You be the Judge

Originally posted by whitehot84
I believe if you check you will see that the laws were made by the legislature of that state. This policeman didn't make them but he has sworn and oath to uphold them. It sounds to me like you have a boner for authority figures. What I got out of his post was that he would rather write a non moving violation ticket than cost someone points and money.
On another note, when I'm sitting at a light and some azzwipe with a 50 dollar car and a 1000 dollar stereo pulls up with this thing pumping hundreds of decibles, I want to get out and shoot his POS sound machine. Now who would be wrong here?

Of course they were made by the state legislature (and in the absolute worse cases, some of these laws are federal) and not by the cops. But does that make it right? Authority is fine, as long as the laws don't violates personal rights, which tinted window laws do. He swore to enforce the laws, true, but he's not going to get in trouble by ignoring BS laws. Jaywalking in NYC hjas been illegal for probably close to 100 years, but no cop enforced it until Rudy Guilianni ordered them to start, which is total BS because it's proven that EVERYONE still does.

Oh yeah, $1,000 is pretty cheap for a sterio (head unit, speakers, box, subs, face unit, amp, etc.). You should pull up next to me and you'll hear a real system.
Re: Gee, guys

Originally posted by gn85girl
Man, tempers've flown high here.

Ter... I read a couple of your posts so far and I have an honest question (not trying to be an b.....) are these really your opinions or are just trying to piss everybody off with your anarchy crab? I mean honestly, who would like to live that way and be scared that the next stronger guy will blow your head off??? And even if you didn't quite mean it, the nazi thing was totally out of line and take that from somebody who has to live with such a history.

As for me and the ORIGINAL question, I don't think the police was right here if it really was because he needed someone to chat but he could have had numerous valid reason why he did it. Nobody wants to be harrased by the police but I appreciate police pulling people over even for minor things.
I agree , they are doing their job in protecting the laws that all have good reasons for being in place.
Quite the opposite, when I drive down the road and some a.. is doing sth outrageous I would like police to do more. Sometimes I get the feeling they are not doing enough to protect me and my property. (no offense)

I appreciate them being out there for us and dealing with people we don't want to deal with, and just because we did sth unlawful in any form we shouldn't condemn them. Or you would them rather just pull over a certain group of people with certain looks or what?

Wouldn't want to live in any country without police bound to the law that were made by the people they are protecting.

That's it.

You've obviously only read a couple of my posts, because you have no clue what you're talking about. I'm not trying to piss anyone off, because REAL conservatives should be agreeing with me. I have stated many times I hate only the BS laws, and we need police to enforce laws like robbery, murder, rape, assault, etc. Anarchy sucks and would never work. You can't understand my point because you live in a country where after the war government was meant to be your friend. I live in a country where government is supposed to be your enemy. Ronald Reagan said it best in 1981: "Government isn't the solution to our problems. Government IS the problem!"
Originally posted by Rollin

So what if it is? Are you trying to make a point?

I don't wanna speak for Top Gun, but I think he's trying to say why should TTA1220 drive around with neon light while he tickts others for doing the same. If that's true indeed, his point is quite valid.
Originally posted by TurboTer

Oh yeah, $1,000 is pretty cheap for a sterio (head unit, speakers, box, subs, face unit, amp, etc.). You should pull up next to me and you'll hear a real system.

That's just the point. I DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOUR SYSTEM. I have a radio of my own. When you or Bubba pull up three cars behind me and still rattle my windows with your "system" I want you to get a ticket for noise polution. Everybody on the road doesn't want to hear your s#it. Thank you.
Originally posted by whitehot84
That's just the point. I DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOUR SYSTEM. I have a radio of my own. When you or Bubba pull up three cars behind me and still rattle my windows with your "system" I want you to get a ticket for noise polution. Everybody on the road doesn't want to hear your s#it. Thank you.

Too bad. You can't hear my system three cars ahead or behind me (it's not nearly THAT powerful). Next to me at a traffic light you can hear it though, and if it bothers you so much that you can't wait 30 more seconds until the light turns green, then you have some very petty issues. This is America. Don't forget it.
Originally posted by TurboTer
Too bad. You can't hear my system three cars ahead or behind me (it's not nearly THAT powerful). Next to me at a traffic light you can hear it though, and if it bothers you so much that you can't wait 30 more seconds until the light turns green, then you have some very petty issues. This is America. Don't forget it.

Then we don't have a problem. I'm talking about the ones I described. If it's not you then you are just in this for the argument.
Originally posted by whitehot84
Then we don't have a problem. I'm talking about the ones I described. If it's not you then you are just in this for the argument.

I love the way a good system sounds, which is why I got mine. I'm not in it to annoy others. I just have one amp powering my subs. I'd like to add another to boost my internal speakers. I turned it all the way up and got out of my car and shut the door. Couldn't really hear much at all, except for the trunk vibrating. Howerver, when it is late and I'm in a neighborhood, I turn it down out of respect to others. The idiots who blast it 2:30 AM are the ones ruining it for people like me. So I guess we sorta agree on something, eh? :)
Re: Re: Gee, guys

Originally posted by TurboTer
You've obviously only read a couple of my posts, because you have no clue what you're talking about. I'm not trying to piss anyone off, because REAL conservatives should be agreeing with me. I have stated many times I hate only the BS laws, and we need police to enforce laws like robbery, murder, rape, assault, etc. Anarchy sucks and would never work. You can't understand my point because you live in a country where after the war government was meant to be your friend. I live in a country where government is supposed to be your enemy. Ronald Reagan said it best in 1981: "Government isn't the solution to our problems. Government IS the problem!"

let me respectfully disagreee with you, Ter. I'm not trying to get in a fight with you since our "dispute" seems to stem from not knowing what the other one knows. Apparently you must have lived here for a couple of year to know about the position that people take to their government. I regard experience like that very highly but I still disagree with your assessmemt of the "government is supposed to be your friend" theory. Especially in recent years and right know I can inform you that Germans are not very happy with MANY things that their government does but how did that get to me and "my" governent?

I thought we were talking about a problem with a police man over there? I mean if you want, I can tell you more about police and law enforcement over here in a different thread.
From my experience living over there I still disagree that the "government is supposed to be your enemy" theory, it is all in the eye of the beholder and my opinion is that your opinion has nothing to do with being conservative. Now that I know that this is really your opinion and not just a little nudge in our sides, I will treat it accordingly AND DISAGREE !
top gun

you are a real gem- "alleged drag racing" $3500 to get your car back"----i would love to see your record-it would probably explain the hot air pouring out of your mouth- explain the 3500 dollar tow job

you also stated that a police officer only makes $20000 a year- when i retired two years ago, i was making $65000 a year- i was a sgt, but patrolmen were getting close to $50000 - the michigan state police might get more than that--

you obviously dont have a clue as to what it is or what it takes to be a good police officer - im from ohio but have dealt with the mich state police on many occassions- they were always very professional and their whole organization is rated as one of the finest in the country- they have a very rough job and they are a state police and have full police powers-not a highway patrol

the unit told todd they stopped him for tinted windows(i dont know if that was the real reason or not that they stopped him)they talked with him and were satisfied that he was not what they were probably looking for- they let him go with out writing him a ticket- other than a disagreement on whether a gn comes with t-tops or not during the chitchat, i dont see anything for todd to be so upset at- when the officers make this stop they both wear portable radios so if something they feel is more serious than what they are doing is broadcast they can always break away and respond

as someone said the legislature makes the laws and if 75% of those laws are unjust they are still laws that can be enforced- a police officer,in any given situation, legally has the DISCRETION as to whether he enforces these laws or not- that is very fortunate for the citizens of this country- can you imagine what would happen if every time a police officer saw a violation of the law, he wrote a ticket, or made an arrest--the power a police officer has and the responsibility that goes with it in this country are unbelievable-or can you imagine what would happen if they gave everyone a break and made no arrests or wrote no citations

there are some bad officers but in my 31 years experience it is an extremely small percentage- i was always amazed how a partner could be making jokes one second and than handling life-threatening situations the next , with such great professionalism--


in my opinion, unless an officer is using tinted windows or seatbelts, as a foundation for probable cause to stop a car of which the occupant or occupants are the perpetrators of a much more serious crime(robbery-burglary-murder-rape-auto theft-etc)these types of tickets should NEVER be written-- i take it you work in a small town or county otherwise i cant believe you have to justify your worth as an officer by writting traffic tickets--highway patrol like, ticket writng ,does more damage to the image that the public has of police officers than all other causes combined
TTA/ 1233 If you write tickets, I assume you are a cop, so let me ask you. If I am pulled over and the officer displays blatently unprofessional behavior, what would happen if I say I refuse to sign the traffic citation until you get the Sgt on duty out here?
loud radios are distractions and cause accidents, just as cell phones do...... cant hear a siren when eminem is blaring at 90dbs.. it amazes me how people can talk bad about police when they get tickets, it's called being accountable for your actions... this is a major flaw in society today, no one person feels
( or teaches ) Young people what accountability is.. i didn't start it, he threw the first punch, not my son yadayadayada.... have you seen the commercial that starts with a women taking a pregancy test? then it fold into they will be the youngest grandparents on the block, then goes to show a 13 y/o?
Driving is a priviledge not a right.Don' t drive if you don't like the rules.
The Gov lets you drive and can revoke the privilege anytime.

This is brian from motown muscle, jims buddy.

Look, i like you buddy. We have a great time when we all get together. You are not like this in person. This is the second thread ( that i have seen you try and make a point of law, only to come off as an arsehole.

There are some peoples opinion that you are not going to change here, so get over it.

And i also think that its just as wrong to have illegal strobes that i have seen you run on the street as it is to have tint. Just my .02 cents.