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Dont tell me you love me is cool.

What is your favorite time of day?
Quitting time!!!!

Does your spouse like your TR, hate it, or just plain scared of it?....:eek:

She calls it a hoop T, and she doesn't care for it like I do!

What does your spouse call yours?

I looked at her a few times though!

What do you think of when you look at yours?
The money I've spent on you, the frustration you've put me through, how mad you make me. Boy you're beautiful, how can I spend more money on you?

Will Turbo Buick owners go to heaven or hell?
Never could get a real race! :rolleyes:

What was the scariest thing to ever happen to you while in your TR?
Got nearly run off the road by a drunk driver. Ducked down a side street, then back out on the main road. Doubled back on him to try and get his plate # to call the cops, and he stopped his truck dead in the middle of the road and leveled a shotgun at me. Needless to say, I used all the horses I had to get me going the other direction.

Do you have any road rage issues?
Ya, I had a kid in a Chev S-10 start going NUTS! in my mirror one day. I slowly pulled away from the light and then stood on it at about 30 and broke 'em loose (just a little though;) ) and then the "kid" ran up on my bumper and started to tail gate me, so after about a mile or so (all the while he is flippin' me off and going litterally NUTS on my mirror) I pulled over to see just WHAT he was so angry about. Well, he thought the better of it and hung a U-turn and got back on the freeway. I felt obligated to follow, and make sure this NUT CASE didn't start something with an old lady, well he was TERRIFIED that I followed him and stood on the throttle of his poor S-10 Extreme and stayed at about 90 mph untill I got bored with him, and went home.

Whos car would you rather have?
E-Tickets stage II car from "Pinks all out" this past Thanksgiving.

How many passes down the track would you say you have under your belt in your life, and how often to you hit the track?

Probably somewhere over 3000+ passes- used to race my Dart in the early to mid 70's every week- only 30 passes on the GN so far :wink:

If you could have another car for a toy besides a Turbo Buick, what would it be?
85 MPH ... Blinking... I have a digital dash!

What is the part that you have bought for your car that turned out to be a waste of money?
85 MPH ... Blinking... I have a digital dash!

What is the part that you have bought for your car that turned out to be a waste of money?
Steering wheel club :rolleyes:

If you have alcohol, how much do you run through in your car in a week
Some weeks ZERO, others have seen as much as 2 gallons (On the street):eek:

How long have you owned your TR?
Ive had my daily driver since 98 or 99. Used to be my racecar and now its just a stock turbo in IC car on meth running thru a gallon a week on a good setup.

True or False

Turn your left blinker on and watch the pattern between the headlight bezel turn signal and the bumper turn signal.

Now notice that pattern and do it agian with your headlights on.

The pattern changes
True or False

Nope, but they say anything good never comes easy;)

What's the cheapest you can buy a brand new 6.0 ltr GTO for?