85 GN Build-off on History Channel tonight

I do have to say I was thinking "What a F*cking moron" when he made the $100 bill comment. Seriously, did you ever try it? Thats gotta be the dumbest automotive enthusiast statement ever.

The show has a good idea, and its entertaining, but its hard to watch car shows when you know more than the people on them. Its probably like being a Doctor and watching "ER".

I found it amusing when the dude broke the oil fitting, like it was a dealer only part and discontinued. Then he broke the ceramic on the spark plug, and acted like they just lost the whole thing. I wonder if they even screen these people?
does anybody have the VHS copy of this show??? I went to order it on the website but it's no longer there??? I missed taping the show because I had no VCR available...can anybody hook a brother up? or are there any mpeg videos of this movie floating around somewhere??? please email me or PM me
d0n_3d, if you miss out on getting a copy you won't have missed much, Much of the response has been, "Where do I go to get an hour of my life back!"

.....and by the way.........I agree with you

well I have already seen the video...I just wanted a copy of it...in my opinion I don't think we should be bashing these guys as much as we have been...it's always nice to see ANYTHING related to our cars let alone a national spotlight...yeah alot of it was kinda corny but who cares...like i said before it's just gonna confuse people out on the streets more and everytime some punk in a stock corvette or whatever rolls up next to me...they will think my car runs low 14's:D
I have it in both quicktime and Mpeg4 formats. both are about 260 megs as the thing is 45 minutes long without commercials (which I cut out).

Of course this is not for sale, just an archive copy...la la la la la........
Originally posted by Renthorin
I have it in both quicktime and Mpeg4 formats. both are about 260 megs as the thing is 45 minutes long without commercials (which I cut out).

Of course this is not for sale, just an archive copy...la la la la la........

Could you burn a copy and mail me one? I'll gladly pay for the, uh, postage - yeah, that's it - the 'postage'. (Nudge, nudge - wink, wink).

Seriously - I would love to have a copy! Puh-lease?
I suggest everyone who thinks the hosts of "Full Throttle" are idiots,check out their website Twins TurboMotorsports Engineering.com .I've heard about ,and read buildup articles about these guys for several years in all the import car rags.These guys know their stuff.Boost is Boost period, no matter what kind of motor is producing it. Anyone who denies that our cars have more in common with a 600 horse power SUPRA than a 600 horse power Stang/LS1 car on the bottle is ,well,in denial! .These guys are in the game,and in the game deep( no i'm not on their payroll).Don't let a T.V.show editor dictate your opinions.Look at the bigger picture.Mass audience appeal leaves lots for nit pickers to talk about.Now,iff I can just get this golf club out of this hornets nest........
Originally posted by turbosam6
I do have to say I was thinking "What a F*cking moron" when he made the $100 bill comment. Seriously, did you ever try it? Thats gotta be the dumbest automotive enthusiast statement ever.

I agree.... That must be an old-timers B.S. line. When I was in my one buddies dad would always tell us that same line about his 383 Roadrunner.
Put me on the Top Thrill dragster at Cedar point, and have a $100 bill in front of me, and I guarantee you that money is going in my pocket. And that thing hits 120 mph in 4 seconds


Originally posted by BlownZ
What I am capable of is realizing this....it was a show for entertainment, they have a limited amount of time, and I am intelligent enough to know that the entire world doesn't revolve around me, my car and what I think they should have done.

I watched the show, I enjoyed it, I know they could have gotten better results....I've moved on.

Seek counseling already. Good grief how worked up do you get over important things in life?

Hey how about just getting back on over to the politic threads, which is all it appears you have to contribute on on this board. It seems you are the only one around here that wants to bash down other users "opinions" on how they feel. Why don't you start jumping all over everybody elses negative posts? Yes, I feel singled out here and you bet I'll come back striking.

How long you had a GN? Do you even have one, or do you just come around here to stir up things?
Re: '85's on the History Channel

Originally posted by hurstbuick
Jason, and all other people that have criticized this program just as many of the replies stated at lease our cars got some exposure and I think that is good for all Buick Turbo Vehicles. Also would like to take a minute and give credit where credit is due if is was not for the Associate Producer of "FULL THROTTLE calling me and asking how than would go about contacting the right people to get the right answers to redo the motor ( Ken Duttweiler) or the correct info for the cars beginnings ( Molly) or last but not lease the history of the GN ( Me, Steve Hurst, President-BGNRA) I don't thinks the show would have had the commercial impact that it did. So everybody kick back and enjoy the program.

PS: Jason Yes I'm the one that gave the Producer a CD of over 40 Film clips of the GN in action poor quality or not at lease it was our GN's in action.

PS: Neal S. Just want you to know you can stop scratching your head, the reason I was on the show is because I probable know more about the History of the GN than most people involve with these cars

Just thought I drop a few lines in about the formation of the show. Thanks

Steve Hurst, President-BGNRA " And dam proud of it"

Email at: hurstbuick@aol.com

Steve, I was not trying to criticize you in any way. Those clips were some of the most impressive wheely clips we have in the Buick community. Some of them are old and from the internet therefor the quality is not so good when you blow it up on a big TV screen. this is not your fault at all as this is the best that is available to any of us in the Buick community. I was not putting you down in any way. I was only talking about the cars. If it were up to me or anyone else to give them footage we would have given the same thing.

You guys please give Steve a break. If you knew him then you would not criticize him so much. He is so full of energy, voicestrous and loves to talk about Buicks. That is just the way he is and he lives for these Buicks. Plus you all know how it is, they interview you for 2 hrs and then put bits and pieces of what you say in there and condense it down to 30 seconds. Sometimes it does not come out like you said it. Lol

All of us as a comunity thank you for all of the work you put into this show to give our cars some press.

The only thing i and anyone else wish was that the cars perormed better.
Originally posted by Ted A.
Hey how about just getting back on over to the politic threads, which is all it appears you have to contribute on on this board. It seems you are the only one around here that wants to bash down other users "opinions" on how they feel. Why don't you start jumping all over everybody elses negative posts? Yes, I feel singled out here and you bet I'll come back striking.

How long you had a GN? Do you even have one, or do you just come around here to stir up things?

Strike back? What are you the GN rambo?
It must be the producers of the show..I watched it this week with the 74&75 Firebirds/Trans Ams on it.....
They said it had a 350 Liter engine...holy cow that a big freakin' motor!!
They also had one of the chief Pontiac guys back in the day talking for a large part of the show with a huge picture of an '80's model Camaro/Z28 in the background....freakin idiots the entire show was about the Firebird/Trans Am!!

BTW, a '75 Firebird they got to run 14.3s with a 150 shot of nitrous.
The Pontiac 350 wasn't that great to begin with but I thought I saw a Forumula 400 badge on one of them. Either way a 14.3 is probably about right for them being heavy and pretty much untuned.