Attn: Chad S.

Crazy D

Resident Madcap
May 26, 2001
Hey Chad, could you add to the midwest mailing list? I lost my previous email account, and this will be my address as soon as I get AOL on a computer.

Also, if I recall correctly, there was an ftp site/login you gave me with the Tlink... is that still up and does it have the software? Because guess who lost his disk and has a different laptop? And man does this car need tuned, too.

I haven't forgotten about the intercooler I owe you, I'll bring it with me every time I come down. Was gonna come down tonight, but Bryan can't work on his car right :). He's thrown a supercharger on it, but when he plugs the timing retard dial in, his ign box won't work. When he gets it running, he'll probably kill me.
Hey Dave!

I was wondering where ya went! LOL! I added your e-mail address to the Mailing list. Just reply to the message and you'll be back on. I also e-mailed you a zipped up copy of T-Link so you can get your scantool working again. Sent ya my cell number when you have time for the intercooler.

Ahh...he's just got a Camaro! What are you worried about?? :D

Thanks much!

I haven't received any mail from Topica. If it's supposed to take a while, that's fine, but if it's supposed to pop right up, I thought I'd let you know that it must not have gone through?
Dave, I added you again. Hopefully you get an invite e-mail this time to reply to.

Turbocharged, I added your address too.
could you add me

Hey I had no idea there was a midwest mailing list:confused: . Could you add me???
Re: could you add me

Originally posted by qbano65
Hey I had no idea there was a midwest mailing list:confused: . Could you add me???

I sent you an invite. Just reply to the message to join.
I sent you an invite Mike. Just need to reply to the message from Topica and you'll be on.