Forum issues??

ActiveX doesnt run in Firefox or Chrome anyway.

Im telling you guys this is an ad problem and its not just isolated to here. My dad called me last night having the same problem on
How about the search issue ? I hadn't had any problems on firefox till this last week. Search finds results from the last few days, or 2011 and older
How about the search issue ? I hadn't had any problems on firefox till this last week. Search finds results from the last few days, or 2011 and older

Im working on rebuilding the search index.
Well, turning on Active X Filtering seems to have resolved all my issues!!! :D
I think he forum has been crashing

It sometimes takes an hour before the phone app and website ( from a pc ) using Firefox or ie goes back online

Wtf.. ...?????
Good news for me. I was able to view some pics today without them closing right back up. I'm not sure what you're doing but it's working!! :D

Thank you!!!!

KS is way worse. Can't post in my own thread, says I am not logged in yet I am. On two different computers.
i got rid of face book.......... and now this bastard runs like it got poked in the ass with a burning stick~!

Jay rocks the IT socks!
Chrome has updated their browser and I dont have an issue any longer with getting held hostage on pages here like I did before. For those of you using Chrome, if youre not on the beta channel, I recommend switching to it. The developer channel is a little too bleeding edge if you use a lot of extensions but I havent had any issue with my extensions not working on the beta channel.
Jay, It a been a while since I've been on the site. I can't figure out how to send an email
to a member or how to send an I/M. Can you help me please? Thanks, steve