no2 to spool turbo

I'm not sure what all that dribble about roundy round racing had to do with anything, unless that was to show your involvement in heads up racing. If that is the extent, then the answer to my question might as well be a "NO". That is about as far away from heads up Buick racing as your engine combination is. Are these the same guys that taught you it's ok to cheat as long as you don't get caught :eek:
The nitrous/methanol combination does net a different hp level than a nitrous/gasoline combination. Like I stated, the amount of hp the engine actually sees from a nitrous/methanol system is very complicated. The details of which is one of those studies I went through that took a lot of time and I would rather keep to myself. Yes, even I would rather keep some tuning secrets to myself.

You're not thinking your question through about the dry system thing.

I did plan from the start to use a wet port injected system. It's the safest way to go with a nitrous system. There is no argument there. Especially when it became obvious to me that I would be playing with shot sizes starting at 200 hp ratings.

Well I guess I have to retract my comment on your always being willing to share information. As far as me not thinking through my question, click on the video in my signature. I think my crude and simplistic little dry system seems to work pretty well in spooling virtually the same turbo you have. You didn't answer my question of why it takes a 400 shot to spool yours. I am assuming you are implying the methanol makes it harder to spool?

Will couldn't have said it better: "what set a lot of the criticism and other BS in motion with you is when you posted the thread about what you called a revolutionary tuning discovery and acted like it was going to change everything. Pretty bold statement."

To be exact it was:
"A close up encounter with a new turbocharger anti-lag system that will soon change the face of turbo drag racing forever."

I just remember reading that and thinking what a bold if not cocky thing to say. It ain't exactly rocket science to spray a turbo engine to get it to spool. I'm just sayin'............:rolleyes:
Cal. Don may also not be aware of the $$$ it costs to protest another racer.

I'm not sure what the cost is in TSO, but my class is $500.

Don, you can't just have someone tore down because they are fast. If you think they are cheating, put the $500 up and have them tore down. If they don't find anything you loose $500.
...and look like an ass if they are found within the rules.
I'm not sure what all that dribble about roundy round racing had to do with anything, unless that was to show your involvement in heads up racing. If that is the extent, then the answer to my question might as well be a "NO". That is about as far away from heads up Buick racing as your engine combination is. Are these the same guys that taught you it's ok to cheat as long as you don't get caught :eek:
Question asked of me by Cal: Yes, EVEN I am smart enough to realize you have to inspect the cars, which I explained to you in another thread exactly what we do. Have you EVER competed in any form of sanctioned racing? Or are you just going by what you see on TV?
Well I guess I have to retract my comment on your always being willing to share information. As far as me not thinking through my question, click on the video in my signature. I think my crude and simplistic little dry system seems to work pretty well in spooling virtually the same turbo you have. You didn't answer my question of why it takes a 400 shot to spool yours. I am assuming you are implying the methanol makes it harder to spool?

To be exact it was:
"A close up encounter with a new turbocharger anti-lag system that will soon change the face of turbo drag racing forever."

I just remember reading that and thinking what a bold if not cocky thing to say. It ain't exactly rocket science to spray a turbo engine to get it to spool. I'm just sayin'............:rolleyes:
Look back through the thread. The answer is there.

Will. When did you start getting the impression that I owe you or anyone else an answer to a tech question?

I am giving my son a bath.
If there is anymore action in this thread, the next steps will be taken.
Nice edit there Donnie. I don't think you owe me anything. I realize you feel like you're under attack and therefore on the defensive - can't blame you. I got to thinking after my last post that maybe I wasn't giving you a fair shake so I took the time to go back and read through your afterburner thread. I have to apologize if I came across wrong but I did (and still do to an extent) think that was a rather bold statement but I now see what you are/were trying to accomplish with your setup. I've always respected your thinking even though it's a little over the top for some folks including myself sometimes. I don't want there to be any animosity between you and me.

You must be a stubborn joker but I have to give it to you for being persistent. You're either brave, crazy or a little of both for basically lighting a fuel mixture PRE-turbo. It would have been a LOT easier IMO to get a better set of heads and some more cubes but I think we can all agree that you like to go against the grain. I can relate to that as well in sticking with a big single on a little V6. I used to consider my car overly complex at times but yours makes mine look simple. A lot of things there that could go wrong but you obviously don't buy into the KISS principle do you? How's that turbine wheel holdin' up?
Are we allowed to use that word now? John?

That word in the context it was used, is ok'ish.
I don't want to see any direct name calling.
Referring to someone as drunk can be just as offensive. IMO
Nice edit there Donnie. I don't think you owe me anything. I realize you feel like you're under attack and therefore on the defensive - can't blame you. I got to thinking after my last post that maybe I wasn't giving you a fair shake so I took the time to go back and read through your afterburner thread. I have to apologize if I came across wrong but I did (and still do to an extent) think that was a rather bold statement but I now see what you are/were trying to accomplish with your setup. I've always respected your thinking even though it's a little over the top for some folks including myself sometimes. I don't want there to be any animosity between you and me.

You must be a stubborn joker but I have to give it to you for being persistent. You're either brave, crazy or a little of both for basically lighting a fuel mixture PRE-turbo. It would have been a LOT easier IMO to get a better set of heads and some more cubes but I think we can all agree that you like to go against the grain. I can relate to that as well in sticking with a big single on a little V6. I used to consider my car overly complex at times but yours makes mine look simple. A lot of things there that could go wrong but you obviously don't buy into the KISS principle do you? How's that turbine wheel holdin' up?
There's a lot of things I could do different to make things go easier, but then that would simply be the easy way, wouldn't it? I like the challenge. You don't learn new things by taking the easy road.
like you told me, if you act like it might as well be called it. ;)

John, why don't we look at banning this guy from posting in this thread? He never has anything constructive to add. In fact, he seems like a trouble maker to me.

IMO nobody needs to be banned for calling someone an ass, or for saying that someone has been drinking (I kinda thought it myself, but that's another story :tongue:)

That kinda stuff isn't needed, you guys don't have to hate each other to disagree on Buick stuff. Politics on the other hand....:D