TurboLink VehiclePak 11 available for download!


May 24, 2001
TurboLink V4.0.5 VehiclePak 11 is available for FREE download for TurboLink v4.x users!

Just go to http://www.appauto.com or http://www.turbo-link.com and you can click on the link to the left for either the VehiclePak (if you already have VehiclePak 9 or greater) or you can get a clean install by clicking on the FULL INSTALL link.

Whichever you download, run the install and then when it asks you to "Repair or Remove", choose "REMOVE" and then rerun the install (which will put all the new stuff on your system).

The new VehiclePak includes support now for the 2.8 V6 in the Fiero and fixed a whole host of little annoyances with screen scaling and fonts for the Turbo Regal, F-bodies and Corvettes.

Have fun!