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  1. C

    Car Cover - Covercraft "Dustop" Taupe Custom Fit

    SOLD. I have one barely used highend indoor CoverCraft "Dustop" custom fit Car cover. Brand: Covercraft, Type: "Dustop" Fabric Techsoft #C9784TS (CoverCraft's Best cover to keep dust of the cars.) Custom fit G-Body vehicle (2-Door Coupe) IT IS SOLD>>>>
  2. C

    87 Regal owners manual

    New "Reprints", not NOS
  3. C

    OEM Stock Wastegate Actuator

    I'm still looking for a: (1987 GN) New or Used Working and good condition OEM Original Turbo Wastegate Actuator. (Factory, with a Non-Adjustable rod.)
  4. C

    OEM Stock Wastegate Actuator

    Sorry. I meant to say " With NO adjustment on rod." (Non-adjustment)
  5. C

    OEM Stock Wastegate Actuator

    I'm looking for a New or Used Working OEM Original wastegate actuator. (With adjustment on rod.)
  6. C

    Antenna removal

    I disconnected the power connector first from inside the engine compartment. Attached a string to that antenna connector to hel fish it back up into the right place after installing the new/repaired unit. Then drop the antenna down and remove the coax cable like the above members stated. FYI...
  7. C

    Antenna removal

    The power wires and connector can be disconnected under the hood above the wheel well. (By the antenna area.) I believe its a three wire connector. You should be able to see more if you look from under the hood into that area in the back of the inner wheel well and fender .
  8. C

    1987 Headliner: Color/Brand

    I went with a headliner made by "PUI Interiors". At the time they had the headliner with the "1810X'" color. It's not 100% correct but not too bad. They also make the Sun Visors to match. (85GHC1810x). I would think some company still carries this brand/color and may have a "Sample" piece you...
  9. C

    1987 Chassis Manuals (Vol. 1 & Vol. 2)

    I'm looking to add a few more manuals to my GN library collection. I want to get the "1987 Buick Chassis Service Manuals" (Vol. 1 and Vol. 2) Big blue binders.. My question: Did these two Chassis manuals come complete with the "Grand National" section(s) or was there a supplement (add-on)...
  10. C

    Headliner question

    The one I put in (For a Hardtop) had the foam headliner wrapped around the board and glued to the back.
  11. C

    VIN Number Stamp Question: Engine/Trans

    I was looking around to buy a low mileage '87 Grand National, I came across an original car with approximately 10K original miles with great owner history. While looking at the partial VIN number stamped into the pad of the engine block and the side of the transmission case, I found that the...
  12. C

    Should a shift kit be my next mod?

    Questions on the CK Performance 2004R Recalibration Kit 24RSRK-A Installation: Has anyone installed this kit? If so, I have a few questions: Chris718??? I was just looking over the kit and the instructions. I have a few quick questions and want to make sure of a few things: 1) The line bias...
  13. C

    Rear seal question

    I also heard two different things: The motor has to be "pushed" up a little to make more room. BUT, I also hear some say it doesn't have to be. What is correct with a stock engine and stock mounts? I know the engine crank has to be in the "correct" location to get the clearance from the counter...
  14. C

    Cam Sensor Rebuild Kit

    I have a few questions: When shimming the end play to .015 with the correct shims, should they go between the end of the aluminum housing and the wavy washer? Should the .015 end play be measured with not compress the wavy washer, or measure when the wavy washer is fully compressed? Also, from...
  15. C

    1987 Headliner: Color/Brand

    Okay, I know this topic has been discussed and gone over many times in the past few years. (Things change over the years and some are no longer available.) I'm trying to find the closes color of headliner for a 1987 GN hardtop. Some old posts state that the closes color was number "1598". I'm...