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  1. dank GN

    Need someone to work in my 85

    Yes i have done several Buick heads . From basic clean up jobs to full port jobs and with bigger valves and stiffer springs
  2. dank GN

    Need someone to work in my 85

    Hey bud I'm up in Palmdale area . I can probably come check out what you have going on. Shoot me a message if u are still looking
  3. dank GN

    2 step limiter

    110 shipped
  4. dank GN


    I’m in palmdale and could check it out if you are still lookin
  5. dank GN

    2 step limiter

  6. dank GN

    Bates raffle tickets? Keep it $1.00 a ticket or go to $10.00 a ticket? Opinions.

    its half the fun watching everyone fumbling through there tickets .
  7. dank GN

    2 step limiter

    hello guys I have been working on a customers GN. He didn’t need this so he shot it to me . It is missing the 5 pin harness and the lid . If anyone is interested I’ll let her go for $160 shipped in the USA . Shoot me a message and we can work something out
  8. dank GN

    1985 Buick T-type WH1 all original

    Sold guys she was definitely a super clean 85t type
  9. dank GN

    Hot air up pipe to turbo inlet

    Hey bud yea just let me know what u are looking to get for her . I forgot you have been rollin the hotair for awhile . I mean who needs a intercooler when u have E85:-)
  10. dank GN

    Hot air up pipe to turbo inlet

    Hey guys I have a leak in my up pipe that feeds the turbo on my 1985 WH1 . If anyone has one laying around I would greatly appreciate the help . Let me know what you got thanks agian .
  11. dank GN

    1985 Buick T-type WH1 all original

    Hello fellow turbo Buick enthusiasts. I have recently have acquired a super clean 85 t-type. I have installed a new aluminum radiator, ac compressor and the r2 was swapped out for 134a. Ignition module was swapped for a 1987 module. I also installed a TT chip for a stock Everything else is stock...
  12. dank GN

    Ported heads

    I can port your buddy a set . Just let me know how far down the rabbit hole he wants to go
  13. dank GN

    Tr6 set it and forget it ?

    you wire the ground to ground and the output to the tr6 . You do not wire any positive voltage to the unit. The tr6 is adjust by the ground resistance.
  14. dank GN

    4.1 oiling modifications

  15. dank GN

    4.1 oiling modifications
