Recent content by dhowdy

  1. D

    A co-worker wants to race me at Kansas City International Raceway

    Mach 1 was only 03 and 04 for that body style to my knowledge...
  2. D

    Wow.... This made my stomach Hurt.

    "We didn't...we didn't steal the car technically. We were just borrowing my friend's mom's car without permission." :confused:
  3. D

    Poll ~ Should the American Flag Be Banned -- in America?

    I actually didn't know that states could have official languages, just thought it was a nationally regulated thing. Had to look it appears your in good company with California ;)
  4. D

    Help, i forgot my Password for Windows XP

    You can use a utility called "unetbootin" to create a bootable usb drive to boot into whichever distribution of linux you prefer. From there you can access your files. Or you could also copy and paste the cmd.exe to overwrite the ease of access utility, then boot into xp, open the utility on the...
  5. D

    watch out for this GN on ebay

    gn ebay wrong vin
  6. D

    Tomorrow I go to the Pine derby track

    I used to do that when I was little :D I don't recall ever having the urge to jump on ebay for any extra support. Just don't get too upset if you don't win :tongue: HC6jaA9A9N4
  7. D

    My new favorite TV series.

    Doesn't look like it's hosted online...I guess there's always reruns or torrents (if you're ok with that sort of thing)
  8. D

    Paint or Dog

    We got a doberman when my sisters were only like 3 and 4. She was the sweetest dog in the world. Would bark like crazy when she heard someone coming in the house, but just wanted to jump all over you and play once she knew who it was. To be honest, I don't know if she would even have attacked an...
  9. D

    Simply Amazing

    what backs? :eek:
  10. D

    So sick of CRAIGSLIST trolls

    I don't know that I feel comfortable posting my number on a public craigslist ad, but once you reply to me by email I can provide it to finish a deal. And to the OP's original question: you can also try the classifieds section from local newspapers although I find there is less stuff to be...
  11. D

    14.5 Billion wasted on 2010 census

    Along the same lines of waste and utter retardation by the census committee, I also received a notice in the mail stating that I would be receiving the real census in a week. What good does that serve? If I don't get the census, I wouldn't have gotten the notice. If I ignore the census, I'm...
  12. D site speed

    speed seems fine but it does get hung up for me every once in a while
  13. D

    Ebag ??

    It's not all bad! Both my cars are craigslist cars and I got good deals both times :cool: Just need to be careful....
  14. D

    Opinions on this GN?!?!

    Saw that car on just makes me ask why. Sometimes it's not okay to be different :tongue: