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  1. T

    July 28th Tacoma Wa

    July 28th Tacoma WA Note: Posted on but wanted to make sure to invite my buick brothers also, Dennis and everybody else that wants to come. (Dad's house is off Canyon Road in Tacoma) I am flying into town late July, and as I normally do will have a gathering at my dad's house...
  2. T

    ISAC Alky/Boost Controller

  3. T

    New wheels paintjob

    I was thinking a red or yellow SS stripes on the hood/trunk would really help out here.
  4. T


    Scott has always been 110% honest and up front with anything I have done with him. He will go out of his way to make things right. For someone that posted about missing doors, I think maybe there are some missing screws instead.
  5. T

    84 buick WH1

    Monday has come and gone, feel like a fish being strung along by people saying they will be paying in X days. Sent those that emailed me my phone #. Working on some pictures taken today and will update this thread when I get them. I want this gone, its 250+ miles from my house so the less...
  6. T

    84 buick WH1

    84 Buick WH1. I bought this several years ago with hopes to fix it up. Drove it a few thousand miles but basically it has sat since. Pictures from a few years ago are here. 84 Buick T Type WH1 Good: Has a set of black TTA rims, they were in great shape, Probably need a good...
  7. T

    Scammed on

    The problem obviously is his attitude. He came into syty board bashing someone that made an honest mistake. A quick hey board, do you know XXX and can I trust to get my money back if I send a part back post would have gone over just fine. Instead it was a post saying XXX is a scammer...
  8. T

    Hot Air Intake Mods

    Yes I did some flow testing back several years ago, should be able to find it searching for posts I have done.
  9. T

    Fastest E85 turbo buicks?

    I know its not a GN but somewhat close. Robert in Sweden SYCLONE.ORG has gone 8's with e85.
  10. T

    Put me in line for block. Assuming its good/usable have cash

    Put me in line for block. Assuming its good/usable have cash
  11. T

    Car crashed into my business...AGAIN!!

    Do you fear after you put up more poles they will switch to airplanes? I would also put the handicap parking away from front door.
  12. T

    So Whad do you do/Whats your Occupation

    Manufacturing Engineer for a major defense company. Mainly build weapons and systems for the navy. Fun job, enjoy it greatly.
  13. T

    Seattle garage fire

    I think we all get kicked in the nuts in life at times, best to get back up collect the pieces and move forward. Did you get pics of your camera. Wish I was still in WA to be able to help you recover ASAP. Jeff
  14. T

    Seattle garage fire

    Dennis, Heard from Roland yesterday... I feel for you, with my moms house having burnt I feel part of your pain. Glad it is insured but money can't buy the memories and time spent on those. I remember 2 slow being the first 11 second pass I made, as passenger. I think you had a head...
  15. T

    TIG welding

    220 3 phase can be done for $1k or less depending on amps. Probably not for a welder though. The 180SD is a good machine, had one. Upgraded later to a 250 but the 180 did a lot of work for me.