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Seattle garage fire


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Roland Black

New Member
Dec 20, 2001
For those who may have seen the fire being fought by fire fighters on TV or just heard about it......

Dennis Hogan lost all three of his Turbo Buicks in the blaze. It is speculated that the white street car caught fire in the engine compartment while up on the rack, then spread to the creampuff underneath, and then the racecar sitting next to it. No one was in the garage at the time.

Give him a call and share his pain..... the poor fellow is down.
You have got to be kidding.:eek: I can't believe it. My heart hurts for our good friend, Dennis. Thank goodness no one was hurt, but geez that's a tremendous loss for a dedicated turbobuick enthusiast.

I'll give him a call.

Maybe there's something we can do collectively to help out.
Dennis, I'm just so sorry for you, if I can be of any assistance, please let me know my friend, just at a lost for words.
I stopped by today after hearing the news..the devastation is heartbreaking. Anyone that has met Dennis knows what a great guy he is. I am sure there wil be cleanup and/ or inventory jobs to do, perhaps we can help him out. Hang in there Dennis, we are here for you...-Steve
I want to thank all the people that called today for their support and concern. I am shocked because there was nothing that gave me even the slightest clue that there was a problem with the car.

I drove the car into the garage about 7 PM last night and put it up on the rack. I stayed for almost another hour and left. Then this morning I was called at about 6:30 telling me the garage was on fire. The fire inspectors said it was definitely the 2 Slow car that started the fire. :mad: No one I've talked to so far has a clue as to how it could just catch fire. There was no burnt wire smell or anything beforehand? This car and the others are so totally burnt up you can't tell if a wire shorted or not. I will post pictures as soon as I can figure out how to get them off my new camera.

I don't know what I will do next, but it will be hard not to look for another Buick T. Everything is insured so all I have to do is fight with the insurance company.
Sorry to hear about this. Can't even fathom what you are going thru right now. Best thing is no one got hurt.
I am at a loss for words

all I can say is your ok,
I have a few turbo cars and would be devistated if that happened to me,
my thoughts go out to you,

Heard from Roland yesterday...

I feel for you, with my moms house having burnt I feel part of your pain. Glad it is insured but money can't buy the memories and time spent on those.

I remember 2 slow being the first 11 second pass I made, as passenger. I think you had a head gasket and maybe a cam issue even then. That was almost 10 years ago.

I know that buicks run in your blood and I don't see you NOT getting another. If I can help in anyways let me know.

Jeff Scott
Dennis, so sorry to hear about your loss. I can't even begin to fathom what you are going through. If you need to talk or anything let me know. RIP little TRs.:(
garage fire

dennis, sorry too here about your lose, hope everything goes well with the insurance company.wishing you the best from the membership of the GNRA.
Holy crap!!! Wow, very sorry to hear about this Dennis. Ive been out of this for a while but I know what those cars meant to you. Im glad that nobody was hurt and wish you the best.

Dennis knows he has a car to race at pinks and Turbo Thunder:D
He can race any car of mine he wants;)
He just cant run faster than i have Hehe
Sorry to hear about this Dennis, I hope you work it all out with the insurance co. and get back in the game.

BTW, there are companies (not lawyers) that represent the policy holder to negotiate with the insurance companies. You might want to look one up if there is a dispute.


Sorry to hear about this Dennis. I'm sure you are in shock at the moment. Best of luck getting it all worked out.