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So Whad do you do/Whats your Occupation


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Worked for GE Energy for a few years, then resigned when dad got sick. After that, worked for a small defense contractor doing mech assembly laid off. Last job was at Johnson & Johnson/Vistakon, working as a process technician....I was working on the machines that make contact lenses. Got laid off in April.....been looking for work ever since. Think it's time for a change of career choice....power generation/mechanical field is crap right now.
awesome thread. I enjoyed reading this very much!

I am 20, and have kind of "been around" the past 2 years since graduating high school. I received a contract to play hockey in NY and did that last year, then was accepted to the US Air Force Academy and went there this year. However, i lost my pilot slot (main/basically the whole reason i wanted to go there) so i left. Now i am working at my old job a hockey pro-shop...where i basically manage the store and take care of all types of sales, labor work on fixing/repairing skates and other equipment, etc. I will be attending Florida Atlantic University full-time this upcoming Spring, starting January.
Mechanic at a Ford dealership for the past 15 years. Bought my first Tubo Buck today. Can't wait to start playing with it, but have to fix a few things first.
be real

i slang, just kidding, retired until i get over the back surgery. before that i was a asst manager at a retail store. good money in sales if the economy holds up in whatever your selling and the bosses don't get greedy. used to work as a X ray tech in industrial type services, buildings, bridges, airplanes, helicopters, parts, and other stuff. went from there to sales, sales is where the money was for me. top yr i made just under 70K which isn't too bad for a high school education. considered school again not sure about a 40 yr old around a bunch of 20 somethings and teens. hate to be called grandpa by some whippersnapper.
Seriously, you used to be a train conductor?

Yeah, worst job I've had. Most of the time I was a brakeman. The union, safety, hours all sucked. Everyone on the railroad is either divorced, going through a divorce, or their wife is cheating on them. Horrible way to make a living. Good money though.
An auto technician for a VW/Audi dealer that's if my hand ever gets better i'm sick of sitting around collecting government money :confused: well mabe not:biggrin:
my dad's an engineer for BNSF. Yeah the money is good, benifits are good, retirement is awesome. But if you have kids, a girlfriend, or anything of the like you won't have much of a life with them. My dad comes to my house about twice a year and he lives 10 minutes away from me
I Went To Aviation H.S. And Worked On Air Planes For 4 Years. Did Hydralics, Welding, Sheet Metal, Riviting, Rebuilt Jet Engines, Avionics, Airframe Wood Work, Fiberglass Work And Even Received A Metal From The FAA For Aircraft Restoration Project I Worked On. These Day I Run The Service Dept For An Alarm Company I've Been Working At For The Past 10 Years. Going To Buy My Own Very Soon.
I worked 15 plus years as a Industrial Millwright at a Alcoa Aluminum smelter- power costs became a issue and I bailed, been employed as a city Maintenance Technician for 4 1/2 years now.
kirban 2 cents worth

Interesting reading on what readers do for a living. Before the economy took a major dump, the saying was 7 out of 10 workers are in the automotive business. Not sure if that still rings true today or not.

Having a few years on most of the readers I have been fortunate, to have never worked for anyone since getting out of the Army in 1970. I was there at the rite time for the initial muscle car era (a body 1964-1972) and the resurgence with the Turbo Buick. I started with Pontiac GTOs buying/selling stripping cars then making parts for them and then moved on to other cars most notably the Turbo Regals. Although we do get made many parts for the Mustang and Corvette.

Doing what you enjoy sometimes outweighs whether one becomes rich or not at what they do.

Pursue your passion.....
I have been a Telecom Technician for the last 21 years. Voice/Data/Video/Security. Copper and Fiber Optics
Manufacturing Engineer for a major defense company. Mainly build weapons and systems for the navy.

Fun job, enjoy it greatly.
I was in the printing ind. for over 30 years as a diecutter.Also did foil stamping and embossing.Retired 3 years ago at 58.
Chief of a media center for the US Army... 37 years of audio, video, graphics, videoteleconferencing and other services in support of our warfighters. Proud of those I support and what I do.
ASE Master here. I sell parts now because none of the shops have work enough to keep techs busy. I do side work to make the ends meet. Did the shop owner thing once and did ok for a while but when things started to get hard I lost just about everything. My partner was doing some things I didn't know about until it was to late.