Recent content by WHOOSH86

  1. W


    Over the past few months....I started thinking about shaving and all the different types of razors on the market and what the differences between them were. So I went to the store and bought a bunch of different types. Now to be fair and consistent all the tests were done on the same day within...
  2. W

    feels like a 1968 come back tour

    long time no reply Long time no see on the board stranger>>>>>>>>:cool: anyways.....see i always figured that, so I bought an 87 NOS grill back in the day.........but i was reading some of the parts posts and NOS grills are worth a small fortune, go figure. Wouldnt the reduction of wieght in...
  3. W

    Who's interested in having the West Coast Nationals in Vegas, again?

    2 westcoast events is there a comparison? Vegas is Vegas!
  4. W

    feels like a 1968 come back tour

    so what the deal did we ever figure out what was faster an 86 or an 87 :) .
  5. W

    Who's interested in having the West Coast Nationals in Vegas, again?

    hmmmmm Ill be there......good to see some familiar names....hope to see every one in vegas
  6. W

    feels like a 1968 come back tour

    My first post was in 96'..then there was the long absence.Wow havnt been on since dec 29 got my budget roller in the ride along with all my kenny bell upgrades so what new innovations has there been in the past couple years?
  7. W

    looking for a few pictures of sheet metal intakes

    does anyone have pictures of any of the sheet metal intakes for buick V6's?
  8. W

    Responding To Prior Accusations from the West Coast Nationals

    Is Steve talking in first person? Whats the Kiban stuff about?
  9. W

    West Coast Nationals in Last Vegas report.

    Uhhh.......I haven't posted in such a long time :) and then to come on the board and see this....... let me just say that this whole thing can all be blamed on the budget roller cam (for you old time members)!!!! I had a feeling that Steve has to have had something to do with that fiasco too...
  10. W

    Thanks from Las Vegas

    I told ya in the staging lanes that was one of my favorite cars that was there.... Cool see ya next year.
  11. W

    West Coast Nationals at Las Vegas

    I would like to make a comment or five about slide show in order of how they came up. 1.Why the Heck is there a picture of Chris's a$$ in there?:D 2.Was I drunk or what? who the heck are those two ugly guys standing next to me? 3.The yellow toyo truck was bad! 4.My favorite again...
  12. W

    Thanks from Las Vegas

    Oh and a big thanks to the counrty of Mexico the city of Tjuaina, all the donkey shows and cheap beer.:D
  13. W

    Thanks from Las Vegas

    I would like to thank (in no particular order). Everyone who showed up to spectate or race, without you the event cannot go on. Sam Davis for helping me out with what could have became a cluster at the hotel on Thursday. Jessie (good ideas to share for the event) and Cal for coming up and...
  14. W

    While I was.......

    Shaving this morning, I realized that we only have 3 days till the Buick event in Vegas!
  15. W

    I'm thinking of a complete.....

    image change. What do you guys think of this... Identity crisis I guess?:D