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11 Second V6
May 25, 2001
Don't really post here, but figured I'd put something until I could come up with another Metro/Swift story or when Raven comes up with another chapter.

Headed up to meet up with a fellow TR owner to check out his 3" cat, as I now will have to pass emissions:mad: , when I look in the mirror and here comes a 70ish Nova. It sounds very healthy, cam and headers at least. I look over and it seems he wants to go. We are nearing a stoplight so we both slow to let it turn red, as we are slowing I reach down and open the electric dump, and give it a good rev. I look over and now he's darting to the left turn lane, and won't even look my way:confused: Must have frightened him!

Coming home I notice a grey evo, well I actually hear his BOV, Sounding like a stragled duck. We never could get 2 open lanes, but after asking if he's had it to a track and what it ran, a 12.9 he replies, I say that's pretty good for a four banger. He asks what I've run, and tell him an 11.9, he just drops his jaw, and starts traffic weaving like a ricer:rolleyes: .

Figured I wasn't going to manage to get myself into any trouble today, I was almost home when I spot a Burgandy drop top supercharged saleen, looked like an '04 or so. Typical mustang, VERY loud. It looked like I was going to get a decent run! I could hear his supercharger and it seemed like he had done a bunch of work to it. First run, I got the jump and it didn't seem like he was even going to try. I slow up and when he is almost next to me I hear him downshift. We were doing about 45, so I hit the gas and within a few seconds I make it a point for him to see me looking out the window back at him, just to see he's more than 2 cars behind:D
LOL, good story...we need more untill Raven gets the next chapter out...
My 86 is on jackstands so it's only racing dust :D
nice kill there. saleens are no joke if they are the supercharged variety. but then again, neither is a GN with a stock motor and a few bolt-ons! heh heh.