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1 year to the day


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New Member
Jul 30, 2004
I'm just here to lament. It's been one year to the day that my limited was stolen. Here's some advice: Don't trust the club. It didn't work for me. You need to do something more. Put a kill switch on yours or something.
The club is still used and I really wonder if people know

It doesnt work. My buddy had his steering wheel cut and OFF goes the club. He luckily heard his alarm going off. I have a brake lock, alarm, and mystery theft deterent device, and I want to get the Boot that goes on your wheel. Overkill, but they are going to have to work to get it. But it all goes down to, if they really want to get our cars, somehow someway it is possible, towtruck and or any other way the top thieves get them.
That sucks your car was taken.. sad to say but after a year you can pretty much consider it in pieces somewhere :( But yes the club is the biggest joke out there. Takes a half way decent thief all of 5 seconds to get it off. Some people use it for a "theft deterrent" but it's nothing. I use to tow and repo cars for years. There was several car thief's around Philly that if they saw the club on your GM product they would steal it just to piss you off. To top it off they would leave the broken club laying on the ground where you car use to be! Come out in the morning to go to work... car is gone and club is laying on the curb where you parked. Also when I went to the impound yard to pick up recovered stolen cars I would always find the club in the back seat or passenger side floor.

And for that brake pedal lock... I towed a recovered GN from the impound yard with one of them on it. The guy drove the car over 100 miles without using the brakes and that lock was still on the car when I picked it up from the yard! He used the E brake to stop the car I guess. But it didn't stop him.. So toss that too! :) I've seen it all over the years but the best ever is at least one or two hidden kill switches. And don't hide them in the glove box! I have 4 kill switches on my GN and they are everywhere. I have to open all the doors, trunk and hood to start the thing!

Oh the steering wheel removal security device.. useless.. A IROC was stolen from a mall parking lot. I happend to be there picking up a car. I saw the action and went over. The owner had the steering wheel in his hand and said to me.. I don't know how they got it.. Here is the steering wheel! Well they spotted the car on the highway and it was in a 45 mile high speed chase. When the guy finally stopped the car and bailed out in the hood they found he used a huge set up C clamp vise grips to drive the car off! So yea.. you have to really lock em down.. because if someone wants it.. they will get it!
Yeah Philly I heard about the ebrake for the brake lock

My cousin in Denver told me how the theives out their do that with the ebrake and said they were useless. My buddy says I should get the column lock. I still say it really doesnt matter they can just get a tow truck and steal it. These F_____Rs out here in a tow truck broke into my EL Camino and was trying to steal all my stuff, cought them in time but couldnt get to them. Good cover, exept the idiots broke the window. My alarm pages me when it goes off so I was woke up @4 in the Morning to all this noise. :mad: