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Happy Thanksgiving. Want ideas for a fun contest?


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Fiberglass bumper filler dude. (949) 433-1257
Staff member
Apr 4, 2002
Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving.

Lots to be thankful for. I used to do a contest here every year. It's been a few years since I've done one. I want to bring it back. I want to do it here on this forum, because this place has been the bedrock for keeping these cars running strong for decades. What Shane has done to keep this place up and accessible to all, is one of the single most important reasons that these cars are still around and are as legendary as they are today. With that being said. Please share this great old site with all that are new to these cars or need help keeping them running strong.

In past contest, (You can search) I've had it where you had to post a picture of something, or entertain us with something. I'm open for suggestions? This contest will run for a few weeks. The winner will receive one of my Spoolfool products. To be determined. I will start a new thread for the contest. Just looking for ideas on what would be fun. As most of you know. I'm all about doing stupid stuff. Hope everyone is kecking back and relaxed on this great day. I know that I will be.

Thanks for all the years of support. I owe a lot to this place.

Mike Barnard
Spoolfool Productions
So Western moderator

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Have folks post a picture of them out with their turbo Buicks doing Black Friday shopping!
I seriously wish you a Happy Thanksgiving ! and may all your dreams come true,
Hoping you are well and doing great!

You don't like that one??? How about a 1000 word essay and what you love about your turbo buick?
Fool, U ought to dig up some old winning pics. I believe biscuits had a winner once. Lol. There was some really good entrees for best crazy pic with car.
Fool, U ought to dig up some old winning pics. I believe biscuits had a winner once. Lol. There was some really good entrees for best crazy pic with car.
Agreed. We once did a contest with FUN meters. Best picture wins. Had a a few that couldn't be posted. :p
Guess the ET. Pick a car that no one has heard of and list the combo, weight, track and DA.
And use a Hot Air car. That would throw people under a bus. There are crazy possibilities with this.
Agreed. We once did a contest with FUN meters. Best picture wins. Had a a few that couldn't be posted. :p
Hah that was around the time of kirbans open house you & nick attended? On the way home me and my buddy in a wheelchair stopped at a rest stop in ct.. ran into a party bus full of hotties they posed with the fun meter pegged… bunch of leg and cleavage in that pic it’s somewhere on the internet im sure he still has it in his spank bank lol.
Alright. I gotta choose something this weekend and I don't even know what kind of a contest. Usually, I'm pretty good with stupid ideas. I'm kinda leaning towards posting up a cool/ fun/ stupid picture. This is not the contest thread, so don't post anything yet. I'm still open for ideas.

How about the best documented Turbo Buick carnage of a single part. Not necessarily the biggest carnage like the whole car. Just a single part.
Has to have an entertaining story of how the part was damaged. (head gasket, hole in piston, key down side of car from ex girlfriend, etc).
This could be fun. You guys cool with this?

Winner gets a set on my bumper fillers, shipped to the lower 48.



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Just posted up the contest. This should be good.
Here's the link.