I was never trying to convince you, just showing you another side that's all.
I know about blind corners lol. I'm not that easy to get. I'm no spring chicken to room clearing lol. And I'm still alive, so I must know a little somethin'
And I never said that staying in your room while your shit's getting ganked is cowering. Nothing wrong with that. It's just that I have a different approach. I can't let someone go through my house like it's a shopping spree. It's not in me. Wish it was.
I understand LE agencies have budgets, and your comment about them having to stay within one implies that Glocks are lower tiered guns and that is ok. You are actually correct. But that isn't a point in
your favor because they were already in a high end gun to begin with. The fact that they dumped them for the more affordable Glock is testament to
my camp
These are departments that had "higher end" guns, and were experiencing too many dramas and didn't want to deal with it anymore. Ever take apart a 226? Good. Get it back together? lol. And if you did, how long did it take you? Time is money too. I've had all the "high end" guns in my time, (still have a walther) and while they were nice, I actually shoot too much to warrant using them anymore.
I shot a lot, and because of this I can't get by with a typical field strip and quick wipe down once every other week. My guns get reeeal dirty cuz the shoot the shit out of them, and so because of this they need a total break down and cleaning with a good solvent. Every week. Some days I'll experiment with lead bullets. Ever shoot 400 lead rounds in one day with your HK? Tell me how you cleaned it. I hope you didn't do what we were forced to do in the Army and turn it upside down, soak it with a carb cleaner blast, then air it out with the air compressor lol. I'm not sure I'd want any type of solvent like that on my 1000 dollar gun. We were forced to do that because there was no other way to really get these guns clean after spending the whole day at the range. And it was hell on the guns too.
And, explain to me the expression on your face when your 60 dollar show blue magazine hits the rocks at competition. THAT'S going to be fun replacing those mags every few months... Mine are 22 shipped.
As for the multi tier system? I have neighbors lol. Don't have a dog any more sadly and the alarm is worthless. In my old neighborhood they went off soo often that noone even looked any more. Too much money a month for something that doesn't actually prevent break ins. They only let you know your shit's gone. When I'm gone? My house is pretty secure. I know it's not impenetrable but it's pretty decent. Solid windowless doors, good deadbolts, bump proof cylinders, boxed striker plates with 4" deck screws in all my hinges and striker plates, and all my glass has a 6 mil blast proof security coating. The same coatings that have to be on gov't buildings. Which is how I found out about coatings in the first place. I have LED lighting around the entire perimeter as well. I know it's not entry proof, but it'll take a lot longer to get in, which is what security buys-time. A whole lot of noise will be made trying to get into my house. Which is how I designed it.
Edit: I'm not a typical glockbot. I'm actually loyal to no company on this planet. I'm a whore; that is I'm always lookin' for the bigger, better deal. I was a Sig guy for a long time-until I started competing. I sold it for a Glock and hadn't look back since. I've had, and still have alll sorts of other guns. The only reason Glock is at the top of my list is because it consistently outperforms all my other guns in my own personal trials. And I don't take it easy on my guns either. I try them in all sorts of situations, rounds, drills, etc. etc. Even in maintenance my Glock beats them. When we're done shooting for the day and we return home to do weapons maintenance, I can strip my shit all the way down with one of my wooden q-tips, clean the weapon from top to bottom and reassemble and functions check it long before everyone else is done with their shit, and their cleaning was only a spot clean-mine was a total cleanse from top to bottom. That's why Glocks are at the top of my list. I love them, but for real reasons. I don't drink their cool-aid. If something comes out tomorrow that's better, I'm sellin' all the Glocks and getting that gun instead lol.