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2 8" tubs Vs. 3 10" subs in a box?


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Staff member
May 24, 2001
Ok i know i will get burned on this question but i still need to ask...

In reviewing my trunk (Picture here ) i am not to pleased with its appearance but there really is not a way to make the particular box look good. indiscussion with another board member i have decided to go with 2 8" bazooka tubes (yes the ricey nos look alike bottles) But out of the 30 or so weekends this year i will be attending 25+ auto shows, i have designed my look to be more of a show look as i want to own this car for as many years as i can, and dont have the cash to make it a 9sec vehicle. what's the general opinion of what you guy's thing? i would put them in a /\ formation nozzles toward the back seat. i do realize i will loose a bit of sound but if it will drastically change the look i think it wouldnt be so bad . (how much sound would i lose? The board member would help me with making either a box (get matching carpet) for the amps and the bottles would go ontop, OR the bottles in the trunk (lower part) and mount the amps either hidden or visible on the deck

please give me your opinions

Mike, I am gonna do a set up close to what you already have. But I want to have the box concealed behind the trunk kit with the amp(s) recessed in the trunk kit.
I think your trunk looks pretty spiffy right now though. Good luck, ERIC.:)
i was going to try to set it up like that, but i didnt have enough room for all 3 amps, and i didnt want to lose too much trunk space by making a shelf box and still needing a place for the real box

but the new setup will have my amps behind/under a plexi top in their own cabinet (atleast i hope it goes that easy)
Originally posted by arista5
i do realize i will loose a bit of sound but if it will drastically change the look i think it wouldnt be so bad . (how much sound would i lose?

You are going to lose quite a bit of sound with those 2 8" tubes because of lack of piston area. The base tubes are primarily for "open cabins" such as SUVs, stationwagons, hatchbacks, etc.......You may like the look better with the 2 SAS tubes but will not like less boom in the vehicle.

I personally would lose the carpet kit and build a nice custom paneled trunk (kinda like what I did ;) ) and keep the 3 10" subs. Just a thought Mike :) . Here is a pic of mine.


  • rockin gn trunk.jpg
    rockin gn trunk.jpg
    46 KB · Views: 97
your trunk is beautiful but my girl would kick my butt b/c she bought me that kit for valentines day this year and i just put it in
I say build a box thats more 'contoured' with the trunk kit and then reinforce the side panels of the kit with some mdf or plywood and then recess mount the amps. It would look killer and not give up any more trunk space.
Originally posted by arista5
your trunk is beautiful but my girl would kick my butt b/c she bought me that kit for valentines day this year and i just put it in

Thanks Mike :) and I hear ya on the girlfriends gift, dont want to her to get her feelings hurt (or your butt kicked :eek:) . In that case, use what you got and do what Bradley said. If you can get the woofer cabinet more contoured with the trunk then I think it will look good.
Maybe we can comprimise here. Why don't I see if I can design a box that will fit on the package tray area that may still have enough cubic volume for 3 10s (even 2 should suffice) and then maybe we can build a small false floor between your side panel coverings (a la Audiowizard) for your amps/caps/distribution...
Sheesh, make up your mind already! :D