If you are on a serious budget, why not just build your own? These guys on here have some real good links to resources that can really help you out. If you can build an engine, you can build an automatic transmission. They aren't that hard. Plus, you will save yourself some serious money. I think it is great that people can get rebuilds done at shops and have them work properly, especially performance rebuilds. I have had 700R4s built by supposedly professional local shops that knew what they were doing, and the transmission quit within 400 miles of having it put in. This happened in two separate locations that I lived in. Then, because it was a performance rebuild, they accused me of racing the car and wouldn't cover anything under warranty. Even though I hadn't been racing, and I had even been babying the car, because I wasn't sure that the transmission would last. I got tired of it, pulled the transmission out, threw it on my work bench, tore it down, bought the parts, put it back together and it has been working since. A lot cheaper then taking it to the shop, and it has been more reliable then the last 5 rebuilds that the "professional" shops have done. Since doing this one, I have built 1 200-4R, 2 TH350s, 2 4L60Es and another 700R4. Not a lot by any standard, but they all are still running and working properly. I'm very satisfied with the ones I've done for my vehicles, and my friends are very happy with the ones I've done for their vehicles.