Ok, so to follow up on the original issue I was discussing (the "whine") - I did some diagnosing today. Here's what I discovered.
Started the car up (hasn't been started in about 2 weeks) - no whining at all, at any time, in any gear, park or neutral. Let the engine warm up, still nothing. Trans temp was about 110-120 or so. (Side note, not sure if it matters - I have the trans cooling plumbed from the trans -> radiator -> external cooler -> return to trans. This way, in the colder weather, I do get a little heat into the trans.)
Took the car for a good long ride (it's about 80 degrees here right now), topped off the tank, etc. Seems to be driving fine. Trans temp slowly working it's way up to the 160-170 mark. At this point, I start to hear the little whine. Anyone who has ever heard a weedwhacker - it sounds like the strings swishing when you rev it up, just not nearly as loud.
Pulled into the driveway, had my wife hop in and start putting in in/out of gear, revving it a little in gear and out of gear, etc. while I crawled around underneath both sides of the car.
At a dead stop, in any gear position (reverse, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st) and you rev it a little (from idle at ~900 or so to about ~1100 is all it takes) you hear the little whine. In Park or Neutral, can't detect any whine at all, and at least my wife says she couldn't hear it (and I suspect I couldn't either but I'm paranoid so I was hearing everything.

Now, it's not all that loud, and as far as I can tell, only does it once the trans warms up, not cold.
Opinions on what's up? Torque converter? Normal, totally screwed, somewhere in between?
And thanks for all the advice so far (and thanks for future advice too), it's been great, I appreciate it.