OK everybody, here is the registration sheet you will need to use to pre-register for the Reynolds event in November. As you see there is only TSO and TSM currently listed on the sheet. THIS DOESNT MEAN something like TAI weill not be added to this race. It all depends on pre-registration entries that Holly will receive either via mail or what she will receive at the GS nats, sheets will also be available there as well. I will tell you this. This is a NOT FOR PROFIT race event in Reynolds. What do I mean?? Let me tell you. As you see the payout for TSO and TSM is $500 to win. However, this is only the MINIMUM PAYOUT for these 2 classes. We are working hard to collect money from many different sponsors and we appreciate every one of them. The purse will be a progressive purse meaning the more sponsor money we take in, the larger the payout will be. Any and all income collected thru pre-registration and at the time of the race via racers and spectatators will ALL BE PAID TO THE RACERS with simply keeping enough money to pay the track rental. EVERY dime over and above the rental of the facility will be paid back to you the racers. The Hartlines want to make this very clear. With that being said I will see alot of you in a few weeks and below is the registration papers that will be due no later than October 1st.
Everyone have a good night....
Right click, save as
Everyone have a good night....
Right click, save as