My 12,ooo mile car was not checked to verify speedo until I had the 28" tall M/T drag radial (275-60-15) with 25 psi, so some may be it was just off to begin with. Using a gps with the factory transmission with orange drive gear 11 tooth and blue 30 tooth driven and 3.42 factory rear gears with the 28" tall tires it shows 12mph difference. At the race track I was seeing 1/8 trap speeds with powerlogger at 85 when track showed 96mph at least 7 different times, a 11mph difference. I installed a 27 tooth driven gear now to find a 1 mph difference with the gps. I guess someday I will put the 30 tooth back in and factory tires back on and check to see how accurate the factory setup was. This IS using gps not estimates or theories which may only get you close, but then again this was my experience as others may not be the same. How accurate is the gps method????