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Razor, my t-link harness at the 3 bar is as following. a-blk, b green ( not c ), c-red. the harness that is next to the hobbs not used is as follows a-blk, b-green, c-grey.currently, my mat is unplugged, the mat harness ( grey & blk )is plugged into the t-link harness that goes to the tps, then from the tps it goes to the 3 bar. with this set up I have 1.57 volts at the green b terminal at the 3 bar. the blk that normally plugs into the mat, does show ground, but not from anything I have done
It looks like my t link boost harness at the 3 bar has different colored wire
( green ) where the one you have has a tan. does the tan from the map plug go thru the the t-link harness possibly changing to green inside the harness then connect to the green wire that runs to the b terminal at the 3 bar? my hobbs is still pluged in & the loose ( analog plug ?) at the fender next to the hobbs is idle. do I need to do away with the t link harness ( datalogger on order ) reconnect the map, unplug the hobbs & use the ( analog harness concerned about the 5 volts & ground ) next to the hobbs to plug into the 3 bar. mind has turned to mush. the more I read the confuseder I get. done for the day. thanks
its in the instructs
flop open the glovebox the right side is a clear connector with foam around it that connects the engine harness to the dash harness , thats where youll be locating the wires on the engine side of the harness
you can jump 5v from the tps 5v to the ecm (pin C14 gray) to the map feed at the white connector on engine side of harness ,
youll need to jump ground from the tps ground (pin D12 Black) to the map ground at the white connector on engine side of harness
you can tap the map signal for the pAc from the same connector as you would for analog dash
you can then install the 3bar map under the hood to the factory connector and it will function and with key on should read 1.6v at the center pin (pin B) , pin C will have +5V and pin A should read ground , also double check at the map connection to the pac controller that you indeed have 1.6v key on
Does the 3 bar MAP sensor come standard on any GM vehicle?