3 inch downpipe

I got a ceramic coated BGC 3" downpipe with a inconel wastegate valve so it wont stick closed. $250. firm plus shipping.
I Have A 3" Atr Stainless Steel(dp301) With An External Wastegate (deltagate) And A 3" Test Pipe Also A Turbonetics Vairable Boost Controler. Thats Everything You Will Need. $300
i could send some pics in a couple of days. inconel is a very hard metal, harder than stainless steel and will withstand very high temperatures. it is also designed to never hang-up or bind so you wouldnt have to worry about the wastegate ever getting stuck.
Hey there-

I have a 3'' Downpipe for sale. It is an older style but in excellent shape. Let me know if you are interested. Car ran 11s with it. Let me know what turbo is on your car so that we will know it will work.........$200 shipped :D