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3 stage alky


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Feb 25, 2002
This may sound 2 stage diy kit I made is working really good...
Now im gettin greedy.... If i add another spray nozzle / hobbs switch to come on say at 25 psi, could I possible get higher boost levels with a third stage of alky....????
Not sure of where the limit is.... does anyone know...
this would be running 93 pump gas and 100% denatured on a low timing chip....
If all goes well ... I will be going to the track on thursday.. here in st louis... at gateway...
Thanks again everbody.... This web site rules....If it wasnt for you guys.....I would still have an average G N :D
I have been thinking about a third stage also but for a different purpose. Since I have two stages boost activated by Hobbs, I was thinking of adding a throttle switch for maybe 2/3 throttle since I sometimes get ping when towing my trailer even though I'm off boost. I know this has little to do with what you're thinking but it's the first I heard of anyone else doing a three stage system.
I am no expert on alky, nor am I running alky (yet). But, I gotta ask... how high of boost are you planning on running??
To have something turn on at 25psi??? First, I really doubt you're going to see anything above that... two, if you do see boost above 25, I would hate to tune a third stage in that high up. You get something wrong and you'll be the next proud owner of a head gasket set.

You're right.. greedy thinking. I praise you for thinking outta the box, but I can't say I would do that.

What times are you running?? Planning on running?
He's addicted..... ;)

I say go for it. :)

I could use 28psi. myself and was thinking of a 3rd stage. :cool:

You be the guinea pig. :D
its ok, it can happen to any of us, but you need to admit to yourself that you have a problem, its ok just say it, your and alocholic ;) i don't think AA could help you now!
I did that one time...long a land far away.

3 Stage System

In the end, I found it was no better than a 2 stage. I ended up turning on the 2 aquamist nozzles together at about 6-7psi and the main nos jet at 13psi. Why was I turning them on so early? Because I was running 29 degrees of timing (92 octane), and that was the only way I could defeat the transitional knock at the time. I was running the stock turbo and it would spool lightning fast so I had to get it spraying early. I could turn the boost up as high as it would go (30-32psi) and it wouldn't knock, but with the stock turbo, it made absolutely no more power than 21-22psi. In fact, as I recall it slowed down when I went much past 23psi.

I did it for fun, just to experiment. But to be honest, I'm back to a one stage system now. Easier to maintain, less to go wrong, etc. I guess I got lazy. :)

I just want one 11 second time slip in street trim with drag radials.

Then I promise I will lower the boost and not drink so much.... ;)
SalvageV6, that's a bad idea. I wouldn't try that! But that's just me...

Now the 11 sec. time slip, that's definitely worthwile..:)

tacordes, When John says "I think you are on to something" what he really means is you are wasting your time..:)

This time (though I like experimenting!) I agree with him. The reasons I say this

(1) It's been tried before by alchy gurus
(2) more boost doesn't always mean more power. (Dennis Hogan ran 10.9 @ 19 psi on alchy. It's in the archives..)

If there is anyway a third stage would work, it might be to turn off the second stage and switch to a third nozzle that is smaller, and allows temps to climb just fast enough to reach the 1320 mark at max temp.

I don't see anyone doing that for what would be a small amount of gain, if there would be any at all.

At the same time I hope you try it, and it works! :)
hmmm, ive hit 30 psi with my one stage, single nozzle SMC alky kit no problem when its cold out and 25 psi in the heat with hi timing. dont see advantage of 3 stages of alky. haha, you would probabaly run out of alky before the 3rd stage ever kicks on. 3 stage yet

Well.... you guys talked me out of the three stage....:eek:
I think I better play with and master the two stage first... Theres no reason for me to get greeedy this early and then have a broken car too.....
Heres another question....most of the tuning on the car has been during somewhat cooler temps.. "60-70" Looking at the weather forcast, the day I want to goto the track they are forcasting middle 80's....Is there anykind of tweaking I should do ... lower the boost alittle or anything like that...
Also I am currently running 100% denatured and It took about 1/2 hour to get the tuning in.... car is screaming...... with the warmer temps would it be a good idea to add a little water to the mix..???????????
dont add water. at around 70 or so degrees at night i can hit 30 psi in 3rd with no KR. when its mid day and 90 plus degrees out i can tgive it enough gas just to hit fll boosta nd get 9* of KR so id say yes turn down the FP a bit. run some racegas also if you would like just for that extra bit of safety if something with the alky goes wrong:eek:. thats what my friend does and IMO it works good cuz the gas adds the octane and the alky adds the much needed intercooling effect. depending on your turbo tho you may find it faster at a lower boost level. i went down to 25 psi last nite from 30 psi and the car IMO felt a little better. im wondering if my little 49 was out of its flow range at 30.
I like a few gallons of Sunoco GT100 unleaded for KR resistance at the track. :)
hobb pressure switch

sorry to high jack the thread but i was looking for hobbs pressure switch in NAPA, and they don't have it. i was wondering where do you guys get your pressure switches? what else do you guys use that is "inexpensive"(CHEAP) :D .

-mike, thanks a million
i know NOS sells a $15 pressure switch thru Summit. also ive read you can use a GM MAP sensor and adjust the screw to your desired boost level.
thanks alot turbo buicks, do you know if "7PSI normally close" mean that it's off until 7psi?

edit: o their about 35 BUCKS?! i don't see a $15 one.
oh then it must have been the other nOS part i was thinking of. do a search for Hobbs switch on the NET, it should come up with the manufacturer that makes Hobbs switches. Hobbs Corp i think. or you can put a post in the parts wanted section and see if anyone has one. also you want the normally open one b/c you want to be able to set the spring psi and haved it close the gap at a certain boost level and complete the electric circuit to activate the alky system.
hobbs switch

Just thought some of you might want to know this INFO....
I spent many hours searching this site.... and I did find the part number for a napa hobbs switch....

for a 15 p s i normally open ...... 7011577

good luck..... this might save you a little time...:D
thanks a million, i wouldn't even though it would be called

Balkamp Gauge Hardware -- Use To Acuate Hour Meters,Metal & Plastic,Metal / Rubber

this is normally open 15PSI? is there a adjustable one? i'll just search other types.

Re: hobbs switch

Originally posted by tacordes
Just thought some of you might want to know this INFO....
I spent many hours searching this site.... and I did find the part number for a napa hobbs switch....

for a 15 p s i normally open ...... 7011577

good luck..... this might save you a little time...:D
I almost ordered that one, but its not adjusable, so if you want 15# then its fine, but if you want to play with it, good luck.