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5.slow kill.....finally!


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New Member
Nov 6, 2002
I've had my car for about 6 months now, and since before I even got the car, my buddy who is a 5.0 owner(intake, exhaust,aftermarket clutch and fuel pump) has been talking smack. I have offered several times to race him anytime, anywhere, but it never seemed to work out, or he would just back out, claiming some sort of mechanical malady or just some other lame excuse. Last night I finally got his a$$!! I went to have a beer with my wife and some friends from work, and I knew he'd be there. Before I left the house, I turned the boost up to about 15psi(about all I can run right now, thanks to a stock chip). As we were leaving the Dunkin Donuts next to the bar, my buddy says,"D'you wanna run?" Naturally, I grinned and said,"OK, where do you want to start?" We rolled out of the parking lot, onto MD rt3, at traffic, three lanes and straight. He says, "how do you want to do this?" To which I reply, "I'll go when you go." We line up, I bring boost up to about 1psi, and he takes off. We both spin, side by side until the top of 1st, when I pull about 1/2 a car on him. He goes for 2nd gear, and I put another3/4 car on him as I chirp into 2nd. From there on out, he didn't have a chance! He stayed about a 1/2 car behind me the whole way, enough that I could see his headlights in my rearview. He let out of it and I slowed down as well, giggling my butt off!! He pulled up next to me and gave me a thumbs up(although I have to say, he looked as if someone just shot his dog!*L*). I can't wait to get to work tomorrow to rub it in! Oh, and did I mention that my wife was in the car with me? He had no passenger and the break and still got his a$$ split open!! Had to be one of my favorite kills yet! Can't wait to run him again when I get my chip, exhaust, 160 degree T-stat, and scanmaster installed! That is....if he doesn't put his tired pony out to pasture after last nights beating!!;) Now he knows why my tags say "EFFNQWK" !!!!
Hard telling how much knock retard you were getting which would have slowed you down a bit. You will beat him by more than 1.5 car lengths when you get it worked out.

But at least he raced you. Nobody around here will race me in my GN. :(