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60% Converter Slip!??? - PowerLogger File Attached


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Nov 16, 2008
So I've been having low trap speed issues. Taking advice from my previous post in that regard:

I read how to calculate converter slip. I did not know the PowerLogger had that function if you plug in the CS factor values. I also spoke to David Husek who agreed that my converter was not coupling well.

According to the PowerLogger my converter slip is ridiculously high. I have attached my most recent log file with the current combo. Old logs from when I had a stock block/cam/heads are no better. Note that this run was with 275/60-15s (not the 275/50s in my sig that I run on the street). Also note that the trans speedo gear is wrong and it reads 9 mph faster that actual. I'm really only trapping at about 110 which means the converter slip is actually even higher!

Is it really slipping that bad, or am I doing something wrong? Trans is built big time, shifts are hard and fast, doesn't seem to be any problem there.


your gear switches are not connected, so the ecm thinks you are in 4th all the time. I presume that run was in 3rd? put your 3rd gear correction factor numbers in the 4th gear spot also, and fix your MPH correction (in the ini file), that should help some
Yes, run was in 3rd. Did what you said including the MPH correction and now getting 30% at bottom of 3rd and -1% at top of 3rd. I'll reconnect the wire harness to the trans on the next runs so the ECM knows what gear I'm in and readjust the CS factor values.

Thanks TurboBob.
How old is the converter? Did you buy used or new? Could have laid some fins over or something going on inside. To me if the rpm is falling back to 4850 rpm on the shift that's pretty good. Mine falls back to 5400 on boost and 5700 rpm with a 50hp shot lol.
Bought it new from Dusty about 5 years ago I think. It has about 3K miles on it and maybe 30 1/4 mile runs.