Jan 10, 2007 #1 G GNVAIR Member Joined May 24, 2001 Messages 2,449 Set of low impedence 72lb injectors. Less than 5k miles on them. Just went to a smaller turbo and no longer need. Would like to get a good set of low impedence 55's. Asking $250 shipped or even trade for similar condition 55's.
Set of low impedence 72lb injectors. Less than 5k miles on them. Just went to a smaller turbo and no longer need. Would like to get a good set of low impedence 55's. Asking $250 shipped or even trade for similar condition 55's.
Jan 11, 2007 #3 1 19TTA89 I know 8sec Pete!!! Joined Feb 18, 2002 Messages 970 55's I have a set of 55's that I would trade you..I also have a few turbotweak chips for them also. I am in Central NJ so we could just meet up and swap them. Let me know, Shawn
55's I have a set of 55's that I would trade you..I also have a few turbotweak chips for them also. I am in Central NJ so we could just meet up and swap them. Let me know, Shawn
Jan 16, 2007 #5 T turbov6joe Signal 1 J-12 Joined May 22, 2002 Messages 2,220 I have a good set if your still interested...if not they will be up for sale publicly.