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SignUp Now!OK, nevermind... it's obviously worth more to you than I was thinking. One can buy a nice TR for that and since Malibu's are obviously much easier to come by I can't see it being worth near what an actual GN or TR is worth.
At the end of the day, you're selling a common car with a slightly less than common powertrain, but the intrinsic value of the GN/TR actually lies in owning a "rare Factory Hot Rod" that is also easliy tunable to the 10's...which, unfortunately, yours is not.
Good luck, nonetheless. I still think it would be a cool project, but for that money one could probably find a decent TR or build a nice V8 Malibu that would be faster at the end of the day, albeit, maybe a little less uncommon.
You might get it from someone, though... just gotta find the right buyer.
Hahaha, you want a nice car that's already been converted to a TR drivetrain for probably $2000 or less.![]()
a car is worth whatever someone will pay in CASHIt also depends how the car was put together .. Buicks on the other hand people want them even if they need some work .. I love hybrid's BUT they are not worth much unless they DO run a # and ya find a person who has the CASH to buy it
ask me about my Mazda/Buick :biggrin:
Finally, the voice of reason.
I think the offer I made earlier is right on based on what the car is (as he describes it)
I'd PREFER a buick simply because of the "intrinsic" value, but I do like malibu's which is why I opened the thread in the first place.
We have a guy in Nashville running a Datsun 210 with a GN motor in it and yeah... it DEFINITELY puts down the numbers... because it's a 1800lb car with a very lightly modded 3.8..
A malibu is basically a Regal in sheeps clothing, but for all intents and purposes will perform like a gn... therfore, not insanely fast without serious modding.
Whatever... I do like the car...(not big on red interior though:frown: ) and if the price were right... I'd be throwin it on a trailer.... but some people on here seem to think that the only thing that gives GN's and T/R's their value is their Powerplant.... the educated ones know that's not necessarily true.
I do like the look of the Malibu more but my GN is all parts matching so it's probably worth more, both currently and in the future despite it having a little bit of rust. I guess if I were to do a hybrid, I'd drop the LC2 into a much smaller car, maybe an RX-7 like Grumpy.
beefy, you have all of 20 posts and you come in here talkin sh!t, if you factor in the car, the drivetrain, little pieces that need to be made for the motor to fit, having it installed, the wiring harness and all the other crap, he probably has at or around 7-8k, I would say somewhere between 6.5k-7.5K is reasonable.
what about a 1968 chevelle with the gn driveline in it already.
beefy, you have all of 20 posts and you come in here talkin sh!t, if you factor in the car, the drivetrain, little pieces that need to be made for the motor to fit, having it installed, the wiring harness and all the other crap, he probably has at or around 7-8k, I would say somewhere between 6.5k-7.5K is reasonable.
You are the reason forums get a bad nameand the reason people like me DON'T have ridiculously high post counts like you do...your attitude makes it hard to carry on an intellegent conversation with you.
I'll tell you what I told the other cheerleader... put your money where your mouth is or keep your .02 to yourself.
YOU are not the one actually trying to negotiate a REALISITIC price on the car, so you have absolutely no dog in the proverbial fight.
You're probably not even in the market for a car, yet you feel the need to hover around the sale threads looking for an opportunity to point out that you have more free time on your hands than I do,(giving you a higher post count) which apparently to you means I don't know anything about Turbo Buicks....![]()
Notice you've only been around the forum 10 months longer than I have, but apparently in those 10 months you became the foremost expert on the "value" of GN motor swap vehicles while I learned NOTHING.
You guys are NOT helping Chris sell his car.... especially not to me.
From what I can tell... I'm the only one here who's even made an offer on the car at this point. Sure, it's not what he's asking for the car, but it's a starting point.
You people kill me...![]()
I'm done with this thread.... Chris... when you get serious about selling your car... pm me, we'll talk.
No i see that you are just being a troll, and a bitch, i know how much it costs for parts and swaps are very expensive. so when someone comes here with "my sh!t dont stink" attitude and lowballs someone for a nice car that has alot of work into it doesnt exactly make someone happy.