I was just curious if anyone has ideas on how to get more info on this car. My dad owned 3 different gn's over the years and the last being the 87 gn in question. It had more in the car than I'll ever be able to list. Long story short he sold the car to the owner of a lexus dealership in Memphis Tn. The dealer owner guy gave him 2 brand new lexus plus some cash for the gn. He thought being in his garage that it was safe. All the layers of protection that had previously been installed where no match for someone breaking in the garage rolling it out or towing it out never to be seen again while he slept. I got the vin nuber from my dad the other day while we were discussing my car. Here is the vin # 1G4GJ1175HP437987 I just thought I would put this info out there and see what happens.