87 maf sensor

Man, you guys are kind of cold. The guys been looking for a MAF since the 14th.

I definitely have shortcomings, but I strive very hard to have integrity. The original poster wanted a MAF on Aug. 14. at 6:49 PM. He was sent a PM almost 14 hours after the post. 3 hours 50 minutes later someone else said they had one. Then 1 hour and 20 minutes later someone else had one. Then he was waiting to see if it had the screens for about 9 days when VSsix stated he had one. SEVEN (7) days and 2 hours later I ASKED if Vsix still had it. We then went back and forth all on the forum publicly and I bought it.

I don't know where you are from and what your intention is but I do not find that cold or unreasonable or unethical. I don't think that any reasonable person would. There was no inclination that the original poster wanted it or was given a cold shoulder. He had SEVEN (7) days to see the post and buy it if he wished.

If your intention is to somehow stir up dissension, then I would advise you to at least have some ammo and an official accusation when you attack someone who has integrity. Saying we are cold is very weak and does nothing to edify any situation. I hope that it is not characteristic of your character and that maybe you just got screwed by someone with a part or someone kicked your dog or something or you weren't invited to your neighbor's Labor Day Bar-B-Q and you were having a bad day. Either way your post was not appropriate or positive to any party involved.
Got it today. Took a ride to the Post Office and I could verify it hits 255:biggrin: