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92 L98 Z-28


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Aug 11, 2002
People forget how quick these early 90s L98 Z-28 are to 70 mph. On the way home from visiting my mom in my stepdad in his low mileage 1992 Z-28 L98 with 3:27 gears meet me at the stop light. My car has only 24 grand on the odomenter and his car has always been pampered and garaged with 45 grand on this was a even race in regards to the condition of the vehicles. I brake boosted a bit to around 1-2 lbs of boost and was surprised that my Turbo T/A could only pull about 1 1/2 car lengths on him to 70. The Z-28 really hung with me up until 50mph. People are always yelling about how great the LS-1 is...but I can recall a few LS-1s that did worse than my dad (could be is pretty good). I could have boosted better off the line...but I would have sent the tires up in smoke and lost 1/2 sec on my street tires. The specs on the L98 MAP 350 was 340 lbs torque at 3400 RPMS...TPI makes mucho torque off line. I am hoping someday that the "purple haze" Z-28 falls into my hands ;)

cool. my dads got a 87 L98 corvette that i drive sometimes and he says the buick is faster which it probably is but when i hit it in the vette it really throws you back. it feels more solid which is probably why it feels faster. i feel that for the first 30-50 feet of a race he could probably get me but then i would pass him b/c the vette has no top end (at least not compared to the buick). both the TPIs and GNs were torque monsters. good story:D
Moderator...I only see a Turbo car mentioned once and its not a Buick...

As I stated in a previous thread: "This Bulletin Board is for TurboBuicks and variations of such(ie TTA's.) Hence the name and the bandwidth designated for this purpose.

70Firebird/TTA stated:
"On the way home from visiting my mom in my TTA..."

He did'nt say he was riding in his boyfreinds Hemi
now did he OnlyNeed6?
Unless you have anything positive to add... Get over it.
but it was only mentioned once and its not edumacational:D

He did'nt say he was riding in his boyfreinds Hemi

like i sed before i might get my jollys off picken on ricers but at least i don't pick on other board members
i think the sticky about the whole non-buick postings should be reopened i think this forum still has some major issues about the posts and bashing other members. quite frankley im sick of seeing all the moved threads and hearing the babie(s) whine.
I agree. Of all the message boards I subscribe to (7) this one seems to be one of the most censored and/or policed.

Tell 'ya what. This is the "KILL / FISH STORIES" section. I posted a thread which is now titled "Moved: SERIOUS wake up call!" which was racing related in which several people were killed. Sounds ON TOPIC to me. Lets take the board section title literally. You got a fishing story to tell?

When I was a young lad I used to pilot my uncle's little fising boat trolling while he dragged the line. Don't remember him catching any fish but I sure felt like King crab being the man in charge.
the things that pissed me off was when he shut down the sticky and the bashing of the other members, heck i did not mind the senseless bashing of my name by making a sticky poll about me, heck i don't even care about the dozens of times he's called me a liar, what i DO care about is when he starts bashing another TB member who is not fortunate enough to be able to buy a gn or t-type at this time. so what he don't have a gn? a kill is a kill, i want to read them even if they are in a hemi. no use in being a A$$ HOLE about it and calling them gay.
At this time the only people I see whining are a reoccuring select few, you know who you are. It's okay to call me various expletives but whoa back up if I seem to retailiate in any way shape or form... what a grievous injustice on your exhaulting character(s) I'm so ashamed:rolleyes: The only "cry babies" I see are you guys. No one else seems to have a problem but you three. What you all seem to forget and what you obviously don't understand. Is that this BB is not a democracy it's privately owned, you have no say on how its operated, your posting here is a privilage... respect that or leave & don't let the door hit you on the way out. Keep your hurt feelings concerning me off the Board. If you have a problem w/me be a man E-mail me, enough of this heel biting girlie High School crap.
You've effectively Hi-jacked the post originators thread with your whining.

Originally posted by OnlyNeed6
Moderator...I only see a Turbo car mentioned once and its not a Buick...
Quit being a moron. You have got to know the 3.8 Buick engine came in the TTAs. If not, read up before you get on people's poo poo. ERIC.
HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA.. i would pay you guys to keep fighting for my amusement if i had any money.. :D
Master Rollin,

I ask of you that I be allowed to post on YOUR board. It would be a privilege to post on these honorable and privately owned boards. God Bless Communism!
Is that this BB is not a democracy it's privately owned,

OK OK every one were wrong I think its time we all stand in attention, put one arm in the air and scream....... Heil Rollin
Holy crap,you guys know better,when I go to a restuarant,I behave and follow the rules,if I dont like it I leave and never go back!!!!yes this is the USA and we have freedom of speech however this is not a politics forum.It is a privelege to be on this site and if you dont like it go somewhere else.
i don't think you know what started this all, lets try joke thread. i like this site and like the people on it for the most part but i think we are not given the chance to speak our opinions

when I go to a restuarant,I behave and follow the rules

Go find the threads bout the joke threads and the poll I think you will find that whenever we try to speak out opinions were locked out of the thread but whenever we are getting harassed the mod turns the poll in to a sticky poll and lets the whole board loose on us and when i mean us i mainly mean me. Ironic isn't it?
Guys, hate to pick on ya, but if you are going to make plitical references, atleast get the straight.

Communism = Government/Public owned everything

Democracy means privately owned and operated.

Privately means they set there rules as long as it is in accordance with publicaly posted and applicable laws.

I think the term privalge is going a little far on our use of this board. I don't think its our right to change the way the board operates when we dont operate it. If we want the rules changed, the interested members need to get other interested members together an email the adminstrator. Rollin is only a moderator. He is only following his instructions, we want chage we have to appeal to Jason, for he is tha adminstrator.
Damn! There is a lot of immaturity in this board. The post was about a comparison between a 92 L98 and a Turbo Trans Am and you guys completely change the topic into a pissing contest on subject matter that is as idiotic as it is borring. I am a car lover FIRST and a Turbo V-6 owner 2nd. Yes I do appreciate other people's cars...other than my own! The world would be borring if everyone drove Buick GNs and Turbo Trans Ams...