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A couple of kills


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New Member
Jan 2, 2002
First the funny one:

I was driving with my friend kim in her car (87 camry only mod is a hole in the exhaust before the cat due to bad shocks lol) when this guy in a semi-riced eclipse tries to pull past her, she's like "oh no you don't" and gets on it and actually beats him!!!. I heard him trying but she pulled on him!! and he let off afer realizing he wasn't catching her. I was like WOW!!, i dont know how or why this happened but it sure made me laugh:)

Now the GN kill:

I was driving to a friends house and ended up pulling next to two kids on cellphones in a BMW 325i, I just looked over and they looked away so i was like "theyre gunna get on it and try to get a jump". So i just waited to hear em, and... of course they did. So i HAD to put em in their place so i put like 1/4 throttle into it, and kept ahead of em without even waking up the turbo and then eased to like 2/3 and waxed em i flew into the bottleneck ahead of them no problem. They got a great look of my sexy tailights for like 10 minutes of traffic and i sneaked a peak when i turned off to go down the block I needed to and i saw them still looking. I think when the were sitting behind me in traffic and saw the third brakelight light up and say TURBO they were a lil confuzed :)
a lil beamer education is a beautiful thing:)