The A/F ratio shown in DS is that *commanded* by the ecm, NOT the A/F ratio you actually have. So ease your mind!
The reason that is done is because the MAF gets pegged pretty quick. Once the MAF gets up to 255 gm/s, it doesn't read any higher.
Suppose the chip maker thinks you are going to run about 350 gm/s of air, and he wants you to have an 11:1 A/F ratio. Then the A/F ratio that has to be commanded by the ecm, taking into account the 255 gm/s MAF limit, is (255/350) x 11 = 8.0:1
So in that case 8.0:1 would be displayed by DS. But in real life you would be running at 11:1. Or you would be if you were actually moving the 350 gm/s that the chip maker assumed. If you were moving more or less air then you'd be accordingly leaner or richer.