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A few pics of my collection ;)


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Active Member
Aug 19, 2012
So I was born and raised in SoCal, and have always wanted/been fascinated with them just like I have been with fast cars. I just never got anything because of all the stupid laws out there. Well I moved to the mid west dec of last yr and my mom got me a Mosin Nagant for Xmas and that got the ball rolling lol

1943 Mosin Nagant

Glock 19c

1939 m1895 nagant revolver


Arsenal Sgl 31 (ak74)

AMD-65 (Hungarian ak47)


Will be getting more, just don't know what yet..... I really want a cz75 and a nice m1 garand
Not being mean here and it's a really good start, but in this current climate it's not smart to show what you've got. ;)
Look into getting a curio & relic firearms license. Costs $30 for 3 years. You can buy older stuff shipped right to your door.
Don't know if you can still get them but there used to be a replacement cylinde for the 1895 pistols that let you use more modern ammo. Wasn't very expensive either.;)
Look into getting a curio & relic firearms license. Costs $30 for 3 years. You can buy older stuff shipped right to your door.
I will def be getting that sooner or later!
Don't know if you can still get them but there used to be a replacement cylinde for the 1895 pistols that let you use more modern ammo. Wasn't very expensive either.;)

I had looked into that before I picked it up, but some more surplus ammo came up so I picked up a can and will prob sell half to my brother because he will be picking up a m1895 as well. It's not something ill be shooting all the time so the ammo I have will prob last me forever lol
Hey Charlie. They already know what you've got anyhow. And you can be sure they'll be asking who you sold em to as if it's your actual responsibility to remember, when they come and don't find em. Then they'll ask when you sold em, as if you'd be dumb enough to say, last year, so they could bust you for not paying the taxes on what's nonna their damn business too.

I usually only pic and post something when it's on it's way out the door already. Then I can say I 'had' this or that and show proof other than on my own computer. So I guess, who cares what 'they' see. As long as we still have the right to trade em like baseball cards or hotwheels.;)
Hey Charlie. They already know what you've got anyhow. And you can be sure they'll be asking who you sold em to as if it's your actual responsibility to remember, when they come and don't find em. Then they'll ask when you sold em, as if you'd be dumb enough to say, last year, so they could bust you for not paying the taxes on what's nonna their damn business too.
A large portion of mine never even saw paperwork because they were bought before paperwork was needed.;) Individual sales is the way to go if you can pull it off.:D Doing your own work also saves some $ if you can do it. The sad part is a bunch of the tools I've bought over the years for cheap aren't out there now.:( I've even modified a few of the tools to make them work better.:cool:
Yeah, me too. Er, um, I sold those many years ago to fund my drug habit! LOL, yeah that's it!:eek::p

Seems everybody is trading guns around now to confuse the criminals who're trying to track it all. Every gun shop owner around here says the ATF is in at least monthly now going thru their records. It's none of their damn business, never was. Even after they made it their business. A legally bought semi-auto is just that, no matter how many times it get's traded around to other law abiding non-felons. Other than sentimental value, or in the case of pistol's and non-weapon's like black powder, I don't know why anybody would keep something with a direct paper trail if something alike is available in a F2F trade or sale.

I think takeawaythe fear has something in showing some courage. Of course he may have all, some, or none of those goodies by next week.;)

Trust me, I'm always hunting the auctions and antique stores and digging thru the stuff nobody ever takes the time to look at. I'll toss a good tool in the bottom of a box fulla crap tools at an auction, and hope it doesn't start going by multiple boxes. There isn't hardly anything out there today but crap and crazy overpriced crap in the new market. I think that's the true sign of a declining world. Tools that have already outlived at least one owner are happily added to my arsenal of usefulness with regularity. I found a bottle capper last weekend that's more robust than anything I could buy for making my own beer today, and half the price too! Got a couple tools that were marked "Italy" too! WOW, when were they last an exporter of goods? Stuff's gotta be 70+ yrs old! I just Love seeing markings on my tools, even kitchen tools, that read, Plains Ill., Toledo Oh., Rochester Ny., or just good ole U.S.A. Nothing I can buy today can compare in quality and durability...
I need to send you a link to the tiny tool thread on GJ.;) There's some really neat tools found and some you wouldn't believe.:cool:
Lol exactly. The powers that be, already know what I have. I had to fill out all that bs each time I went to pick one up at my local ffl. But I am also thinking about selling them to fund my drug problem as well, or already have..... LOL ;) one of the other forums I frequent has a nice gun thread as well, I love seeing what other fellow car enthusiasts have in their collection, mine is a joke compared to most lol
Just remembered. You can't do drugs if you filled out the paperwork!:eek: Maybe you could sell or trade em for hookers? Crap, no that's illegal most places too.

I've got it. I'll trade you all of last years regular and Super Treasure Hunt Hot Wheels along with a convention car for that AK 74! :D:D