A must read...


Jun 10, 2001
DODGE CITY, Kansas (CNN) -- This past Saturday morning I found myself in a five-car caravan cutting across the Kansas plains with about 30 religious protesters. In the back of a truck, there were signs that read "Thank God for IED's" and "Thank God for Dead Soldiers."

I was with the Phelps family. They've launched a disturbing campaign to tarnish the funerals of fallen soldiers.

This is a painful drama playing out at dozens of military funerals across the country. The group is led by Fred Phelps.

He and his family have picketed and heckled military families at more than 100 funerals since June. They say the soldiers are fighting for an army that represents a country that accepts homosexuality.

I have spent a great deal of time in the last few weeks tracking the movements of Fred Phelps and his family. Saturday, I followed him and his family from their home in Topeka, Kansas, to a funeral in Dodge City, Kansas.

Fred Phelps is the pastor of Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka. The congregation is made up mostly of his family. Phelps has 13 children, 54 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren.

He describes himself as an "old-time" gospel preacher who says, "You can't preach the Bible without preaching the hatred of God."

Phelps and his family have made a name for themselves by showing up at high-profile events preaching their hate-filled brand of Christianity. They blame homosexuals for the destruction of America.

This past weekend's target was Army Sgt. Jessie Davila.

Davila was killed February 20 in Iraq by a suicide bomber. He served as a Marine after graduating from high school. He returned to civilian life, and had a daughter. But he was always a soldier at heart, so two years ago he joined the Army National Guard and was three months into an Iraqi deployment when he was killed.

This is also very much a story about another phenomenon the Phelps protest has created. That's the birth of a group called the "Patriot Guard Riders." They're a volunteer group that came together after hearing that so many military families were being blindsided by the protesters.

More than 400 motorcycles thundered toward this showdown in Dodge City this weekend to make sure Sgt. Jessie Davila's funeral was not overshadowed by the Phelps protest. They converged from small towns all over southwest Kansas to support Sgt. Davila's family. One group leader says, "I knew we would have a crowd, but I didn't know it would be this big."

The procession of rolling thunder escorted Davila's family from memorial services to the grave site on a quiet hill.

In the end, Sgt. Davila's family says they were only able to hear a little bit of the Phelps protest. Davila's mother, Linda Claus, says she's grateful for the Patriot Guard Riders. But she also wants other military families to be aware that this could happen to them.

"When people begin to know what they're (Fred Phelps' family) really doing -- killing the American Dream -- they won't be around very long, because nobody's going to let them. They'll drown them out. They'll be gone," Claus said.

Since CNN started airing reports on these funeral confrontations a few weeks ago, the Patriot Guard Riders say its membership has almost tripled. And more than a dozen states are now considering legislation that would restrict protesting at funerals.

The Phelps family vows to continue these protests. They might be outnumbered, but the way the Patriot Guard Riders see it, it only takes one of them to dishonor the memory of a fallen soldier. :( :mad: :frown:
I wish I could speak to this Fred Phelps character my self...part of my job sometimes includes being a "paul bearer" for my fallen brothers and sisters coming off of military Aircraft...I cannot count the amount of soliders caskets that I myself have handled with the flag over the casket. I've even done this for the military dogs that have been killed. This really hits me on a personal level. Its very sad someone could act that way. But its great we have so many people like the Patriot Guard Riders. I would ride along side of them ANYDAY!
Let me meet him! 21 years in and 3 to go. Twice to Iraq and once to Afgan. I have got something for their inpred a$$. If you don't agree with the war, protest in Washington. Believe me, I do not enjoy being seperated from my family and knowing that my two daughters could not have a Dad. But it is my job. Come on guys we have got to stop this. It is bad enough someone looses a loved one and they have to bury them, but to have that kinda crap going on is just STUPID!!!!
I am always amazed at the hatred some people carry with them throughout their lives. That guy has all those kids and grandkids, yet he devotes his time preaching a bunch of ignorant crap. Regardless of what he feels he has to preach, it's a HUGE shame he is doing it at the expense of others who are already dealing with their own private hells!

If I had that many kids and grandkids, my days would be spent watching, helping, and nurturing them. I only have two kids and they take up 90% of my time outside of work, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Life is way too short to be miserable all the time. Sometimes I have to remind myself just how good my life is....it doesn't always go my way, but I have a lot to be greatful for.
Didn't happen in Kokomo...

Guess they were going to try this crap at a funeral here this week. Seems they chickened out tho due to new legislation the Governor signed making disorderly conduct within 500 feet of a funeral a felony. I saw an article where they asked the Gov if he was going to sign the legislation when it reached his desk. He responded he would be waiting at the door of the statehouse to sign it. ;)


It'd be nice to read where the five car caravan of numbnuts happens upon some roadside IEDs themselves. :p
Say what?

V8'sHAHA said:
He describes himself as an "old-time" gospel preacher who says, "You can't preach the Bible without preaching the hatred of God."
What Bible is this guy reading from? My GOD DOES NOT HATE!
Is this the same guy that says we should kill all the gays? The worst thing we do with these people is pay attention to them. Either ignore them or help them find a few goods snakes to handle.
those morons were down here at fort cambell not to long ago there a joke if you want to get some idea of what these people do google ''god hates fags'' and there site will pop up
CHANCE said:
those morons were down here at fort cambell not to long ago there a joke if you want to get some idea of what these people do google ''god hates fags'' and there site will pop up
I wish I knew how to hack into that site and make a few selected comments....Wht an abomination to our treasure (fallen military members)....