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A succesful Friday eve


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New Member
May 16, 2003
My ego is soaring for I got 2.5 kills. First Kill: This was the half, I got caught at a light with a riced probed with a wing and fart can. I caught a light next to him, my friend riding shotgun put on my track helmet that was in my backseat and started taunting him. Light goes green and I blow by at half throttle. Not even a car, so thats why its a half. Second Kill: Actually a kill. There is kid at school he is a wicked gear head and he knows his stuff, he built a CRX to run in the low 14s on engine. But tonite he was out playing around in his new SRT-4. Dream comes true, im doing a U-Turn and he drives by and he is pacing an SVT Focus. I catch up and its a 3 line road and we are all cruising chatting a little. Miracle happens, light goes yellow, on the front line 2003 SRT-4, 2003 SVT Focus, 1987 Turbo Regal. The ground was a little damp from an hour old drizzle. Light goes green the SRT-4 launches hard, the SVT babies and I was about 2500rpms untill 15mph then I went WOT and spun a little and closed the 5 car gap quickly on the SRT. I was about a fender behind him up to 85mph and was pulling an inch a was a good race...and then he dropped back...I thought he braked...he pulled up and he said he missed a 3rd gear. So he sped off(by the way those things sound nice for a 4banger, I was impressed with its speed and sound). A minute later I caught a light with the SVT Focus alone. None of us launched off the line. We both eased into it, he went WOT and I just walked on him and pulled 5 cars like that. I didnt see him the rest of the night. A minute later I catch another light with the SRT and he insists one more race. So this type I boost it up to -3vaccum. Light goes green and we both launch hard and fast. My front bumper was equal with his rear bumper. He was spinning his AWD each gear. Once we got to about 45mph a few seconds later I started creeping and was pulling what seemed an inch a second, but due to my speed, Time must have went matrix on me. I pulled up equal with him and I was giving it my all, I shifted into OD and I (the driver was equal his front tire). I then pulled a car on him at about 90mph and we both shutdown. It was a rush. Wow. I am very happy. The driver of the SRT called my car 'bada**" and was grinning ear to ear. Thanks if you read this whole thing, I read all of yours too.

-Justin Spaulding
that's not bad for your car being pretty much stock...damn those neons must be fast...glad i started modding my car 3 years ago!
being able to go wot at 15 mph on a wet road, lucky sob, if i did that i would DIE a verry horrable death:D
nice kills but srt-4's are fwd not AWD. if they were AWD id hop he wouldnt be spinning thru every gear.
It wasnt wet roads...It was the kinda roads where you can see the moisture on the sides of the lane but dry where the traffic goes...It was affecting traction because was not a screeching spinout...but the scraping kind. I was under impression that they were AWD, my fault. And yes, modifications are in the near future, i just have to prepare the way.