On your stock regulator...
First pack some paper towels or a rag down under the fuel line and afpr to soak up the gas. Then break the fuel line fitting loose using a "line wrench". The take the 2 small screws out on either side of the afpr. Once the screws are out and the fuel line fitting is unscrewed pull out on the afpr. Thee should be an oring on the back side of the stock unit. There will also be an oring on the top of the fuel line so be careful not to cut it. All you have to do to get it off the fuel line is lift up with maybe a wiggle.
When you are trying to put the new one back on, put a small amount of oil or vaseline on the oring going into the fuel rail. This will prevent the oring from sticking in the bore and trying to cut itself. Also start the fuel line fitting in the bottom of the new afpr before putting the 2 smaller bolts in. Starting the line fitting after having the afpr pressed into the fuel can be a BIG PITA and if you cross-thread the fitting then you have to get a whole new fuel line.
If you mess the orings up, go to autozone or another store, and in the help section there is a set of fuel injection orings made out of Viton. Viton is fuel resistant rubber and is a necessity for fuel orings.
Any more questions just ask.
Take your time and be careful,
Jerry jr.