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Alky and carbon cleaning


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Boost is good.
Jul 14, 2001
so how well does alcohol clean out your motor as far as carbon is concerned? my motor has always run 93 octane and various times with leaded race fuel...does my motor have alot of carbon in it already and should i be worried if i use alky because maybe the carbon is keeping things from leaking? or will my motor run so much better after a steam cleaning of alcohol?:cool:
Mine is apart right now, and if I were you I would run the GM top engine cleaner in addition to running alcohol. I have seen engines that are much worse than mine, but there is a slight amount of carbon on four pistons. Of course one season of alcohol may not be long enough to make up for 20k miles without it.
well i have around 85k miles on my motor and have never cleaned it from carbon really...i guess i better run some gm top engine cleaner before i do alky
The GM cleaner will also identify if you have any air leaks too with all the smoke pouring out :D Have a friend help look things over when it starts smoking good and identify any bad leaks as you'll be busy pouring.
Mixing water with Alky

Do you ever mix water with you alky? I know that water injection will clean all the carbon from the engine. My friend would pull the spark plugs at 60,000 miles and they looked like new. I would think that the water mixture with alky would do the same?