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alky for superchargers


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Aug 2, 2001
I am trying to convince my freind to put alky on his 1989 procharged trans am, but he is skeptical about it.
I was wondering if anybody has any personal exsperinces with alky on supercharged cars? Or any dyno numbers, or ET's, or just any suggestions?
Joe Miller
Yellow95 is one guy here running alky on a blown mustang. There is a guy here running it on a blown Durango or Dakota also.

It is only worth running alky if the supercharger is capable of running increased boost. At 6psi he probably wont need it, but at 11psi he will.
Im in the process of doing this my self except i'll be putting this on a lt1 car. I would go ahead and put it on, it can only have positive affects as ther are no down sides to this setup. It will lower your iat's and allow you to increase timing or boost. Go for it!
Building a two stage kit right now for my XB1a powered LIghtning.
I plan on a very small alky shot with 100psi through a misting nozzle to initiate with a hobbs at 2psi.
Then at about 6psi a slightly larger nozzle will activate via another hobbs. Both nozzles will be controlled via solenoids.
I make 12 psi boost and plan on using 70% iso.
This site is great! You buick guys are on the leading edge of all the tech stuff.
I lurk here, if you want answers, do a search, someone here as been there and done that!:)

I just got my system on after two months research and one month gathering parts. It's far from sorted out but showing great promise so far. I have the first stage at 2lbs (will raise it soon), second at 6lbs, running 80lbs pressure.
I have my first stage coming on at 4 lbs. My second stage is till on my work bench.;)

With you supercharger guys running alky at low boost levels of 2-4lbs do you either have to have a pretty good sized tank or fill up quite often? Supercharged motors spend a lot of time under low boost compared to a turbo car dont they?
I have a 5qt tank in the back next to the pump. In the last 1500 mi. (just took a trip), I used about 2 qts. With my centrifical supercharger (really a belt driven turbo), I don't see 2lbs boost until about 2600rpm at full throtle. My first stage is a 5gph nozzle, second stage 10gph. Since I can't change boost levels unless I change pulleys, the real advantage is in the increased timing.
RR what psi do you have the alky staged at?
And do you get any bog at all?
Interested in hearing anything you have to say about your setup and likes /dislikes.
As I said a few posts back, first stage at 2lbs boost, second at 6lbs. First stage comes in unnoticable. If it's cold out (below 50°), or the engine isn't fully warmed up, I may get a hint of a bog on the second stage. Really barely noticable. The Hago nozzles I'm using come in 1 through 5 gph, then next size is 10. It would be nice to try a 7 or 8 if they made it. I still have a lot of experimenting to do and some small leaks to attend to but I'm real happy with the results so far.