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alky injection not working


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Mar 17, 2009
about a week ago i filled it up and ever since then it has not moved and my indicator light is not coming on. the only thing i did to the car was adjust my tv cable back and forth to find the perfect shift point. i've checked the fuse and all the fittings and nothing seems to be wrong. do you thing adjusting my tv cable made it shift to soon before it has time to use alky?:confused:thanks in advance:biggrin:
about a week ago i filled it up and ever since then it has not moved and my indicator light is not coming on. the only thing i did to the car was adjust my tv cable back and forth to find the perfect shift point. i've checked the fuse and all the fittings and nothing seems to be wrong. do you thing adjusting my tv cable made it shift to soon before it has time to use alky?:confused:thanks in advance:biggrin:

It should spray based on the boost pressure, not the shift points, so unless it's shifting before you make any boost (unlikely) it has nothing to do with the tv cable.

This is if you have an SMC system, I am not sure about Razor's, his activates from readings from the MAP sensor IIRC.

My SMC has a test button that I can push and activate to make sure it's working, what system are you using?

im using a 50/50 diy kit i think it is a cooling mist. sorry car is a 100 miles away right now:redface:
Ok, so it's a custom kit. What activates the alcohol pump? Boost, map readings, banjos, midgets???


If it's got a vac line connected to the controller, it is activated by boost. Do you have a link to a kit like yours?
It's boost activated. What psi do you have it set to come on at? Also, are you positive that your vac line is firmly hooked onto the controller and you haven't blown it off from the controller or from the intake manifold?
Part of the problem is being a DIY kit, you need to go through all your wiring and figure out where you went wrong. Contact Coolingmist and see if they can help you with their system, get their wiring diagram, etc... as they are the best equiped to deal with those issues.

One thing is helping with factory wiring, another is dealing with wires added to a car. You added wires, figure where you went wrong.
I agree

The problem is i bought the car with the kit installed but right now it is in sacramento and im in the bay area but black power i will check the connections when i get home. Thanks
thanks guys

found out that the power wire was pinched by the firewall :mad:now im back in action:biggrin: