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Alky interference


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Sal Lubrano

Active Member
Apr 26, 2002
I have the old style SMC pump in the bottle alky kit. When I go WOT all my readings on the powerlogger are very jagged. If I run without alky they flat. I have heard the alky pump is causing this. I have heard of different ways to fix this. Hotwire the alky. Hotwire the translator. I am not really interested in placing another relay under the hood. I have heard a capacitor would work. I like that idea but what size and what wire do I install it in to.
Try putting a 1000ufd. cap between the power and ground leads (A and C) on the translator connector.
I had the same problem with my smc kit and translator. Called julio and for $35 he sent me a plug and play with a relay and inline fuse. Problem solved. HTH
I never updated the post because that was not my problem. I opened the hood and was looking at the maf and noticed the torque stray was very close, practically touching the maf. I rotated the maf a little and problem gone.