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Alky or race gas?


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In Between GN's
Dec 24, 2005
I am not new to turbo regals(I have owned 3 different cars since 1993) and I have always used a mix of race and pump gas to run about 20 lbs of boost. I am completely unfamiliar with alky inj. but after reading these boards for a year now I see alky is the way to go. I am an expert at changing 02 sensors by now and that is also getting old. I dont race my car anymore and I dont even have sticky tires(I run eagle GT's) but I like having the race fuel as insurance from detonation & from some competition who wants to run from abour 45 mph and up.

Someone please tell me what I would need to do to switch to alky and still keep my combo super simple. I am running Turbtweak chip. Who has the best kit? How much $? Where do I even buy this alcohol to use in the car? Is it hard to tune an alky set up? Any input is appreciated.
There is a thread top of this section says "Methanol Sources". that would be your first read. Methanol is the prefered alcohol if obtainable, then comes denatured alcohol. Denatured is available at paint stores or paint dept's at home improvent stores. It is 3x the cost of methanol typically, but easier to obtain.

To get the car up and running with alcohol. Easy way is buy a kit. There are two companies that make systems specifically tailored for the Buick. Mine, Alcohol injection | Alcohol injection systems | DIY alcohol injection kits, and SMC.. Welcome to SMC Enterprises. There are others who do a "do-it-yourself" kit, or buy components from a wide range of companies on-line. The latter requires experimentation and subjecting the motor to ??? in the process of getting the system figured out. The easiest way,IMHO, is buy a premade system that is plug-n-play.

Tuning wise, have your chip person make you a chip to compliment the injection kit. At this point.. this stuff is "figured out". And installing a system and chip can be done in an afternoon without too much effort. If the car is "in tune' it should be just a matter of putting alcohol into the tank and cranking the boost up. Thats it. Having personally done the install on over 70 TR's.. it is how I can say plug-n-play.

Suggest you read through this section, I also have another sticky under the methanol one called tuning the alkycontrol kit.. you may want to read that one as well. Both will/should give you a feel of what and how.

Call the companies.. ask questions.. Being a moderator on this board, I try and stay as impartial as possible. And the "Who has the best kit" question.. ohh that one will start a back and forth like there is no tommorrow. The search feature will show just that. So it is one of those like who makes the best intercooler :eek:

Hope your questions have been answered.
Thanks Razor. I appreciate the info. I will do my homework.

Let me save you the hassle. PURCHASE THE ALKY CONTROL from RAZOR! I was in the exact spot that you are in and it is magic. Julio (Razor) has done all of the hard work for you. It is plug and play and play you will. I run 20lbs of boost everyday of the week on 91 octane. I have a GT6152 turbo with 50lb injectors and a stock intercooler:eek: Why go through the hassle of mixing expensive fuel and replacing o2's when you do not even race? Methanol is on demand when you need it. You can do a DIY kit and risk the engine or get the complete set up from Alky Control and you are done. Take it from the guys who are doing it everyday just like myself. Oh and by the way I run 11's very conservatively using the methanol and you won't catch me buying high $ gas anymore.
I'll come clean. I have alky on my GN. Currently I run race gas for the smell.

Just depends on my mood of the month :-)
Thanks guys..I will be calling Razor soon and Eric for my TT chip. The gas does smell great until your nose gets clogged with a new o2 sensor and wacky BLM numbers.
Thanks guys..I will be calling Razor soon and Eric for my TT chip. The gas does smell great until your nose gets clogged with a new o2 sensor and wacky BLM numbers.

Well if it's worth anything methanol will make your eyes burn!:D You can take the lid off and get a buzz. Will race gas do that for you?