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Alky Solenoid


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NOS makes an alky. fuel solenoid.

About $120 and well made.

Works fine for my 2nd stage.
It may be your pump and nozzle setup.

120 for a selenoid..sounds like 60 and 10 McMaster Carr nozzle and shureflow pump are cheaper.

Just my .02
Thanks guys.

Razor, very good point. That solenoid is pricey. Id hate if thats the only fix. Ups the price of my DIY kit quite a bit. I wonder if I had a SMC kit if the same thing would be going on. I dont see how it wouldnt if theres no alky solenoid used.

Im running a F150 pump and a NOS fanspray nozzle. Im not sure what the issue actually is that could go away by changing them out though. Id hate to do that and then find out that the problem still exsists.
do you think the problem could be as simple as the placement of the alky tank(rad overflow) to where the nozzle is in the back of the intake?

[Hey by the way, when do you decide to incorporate a 2nd stage?]
It has been my belief that using the NOS nozzle can cuase this condition.

Why dont you try nozzle replacement first and see how it goes. Like an is the cheapest way to start.

As far as the SMC comment.. you probably wouldnt be having these problems your having..but the cash out lay at 350-400 is pretty substantial over your investment.

And having a pump without a pressure regulator to adjust its output is kinda of a pain. If you dont have enough alky..bigger jet..if you have too much..smaller jet.. makes it a lot of work. I think you know why I made those controllers to make situations like yours easier.

2nd stage.. I dont think you'll ever really have to worry about it... unless you like to show off hoses and switches ;)
That M10 nozzle. Thats McMaster, right? Is that size comparable to any of the NOS jet sizes (.030 maybe).
Between the McMaster and Aquamist nozzles, any one prefered over the other, or pretty much neck and neck?
Also, I wouldnt be lucky enough that it would screw in the same as the fanspray nozzle, will it? Probably have to start over with another turbo to intake adaptor, and drill a new hole?

Thanks again.

P.S.Hey, where can I find out more about your controllers Razor. Including price and how to get one.
I didn't know how much the solenoid was but at $120, I'd just get the shurflo #2687 pump. Last pump you'll have to buy. Cost $60. That will cure your problem. My 3 1/2 year experience using the nitrous nozzle proves there is no siphoning problem. I posted a couple months ago that I thought I had a siphoning problem but turned out one of my fittings had a slight leak. Maybe that's where the siphoning idea came from. As far as having to go dual stage, read my signature. I'm sure I can get into the 11s with slicks and I just have a single stage. I've been playing around with the idea of a manual 2nd stage using a windshield washer pump, activated by me (button), when I go into high gear. No rush. Got no knock. Probably no one here would be interested because my second stage would cost less than $20 to rig. Right?
"Alky Solenoid
Where to get and how much?


What problem? I thought he was looking for a good alky. solenoid?
I bought my solenoid from Carrolls Supercharging. I believe they were about $60.
Originally posted by salvageV6
"Alky Solenoid
Where to get and how much?


What problem? I thought he was looking for a good alky. solenoid?

He is having a siphoning problem explained in another post due to a ford pump.
Thanks guys.

John, you dont think the relation between tank and nozzle placement could have something to do with the siphoning? I know its usually a good idea to have the tank below the level of the nozzle. In my case they may be at the same level. On the 86/87 cars isnt the nozzle a higher than the rad overflow tank when placed in the uppipe?

I may just have to try the Shurflo pump, sounds like a great piece. If I was doing it all over again it would be a no brainer which pump to use. Performance is all Im worrying about with the pump, not too worried about replacement. My F150 pump is from Auto Zone, so its got a lifetime warranty ;)

DMan, compared to what Ive heard lately the cost of the solenoids, that price sounds great. Im not sure but I think the $120 NOS one is meant for alky, what about the Carolls one? Is there an issue to worry about with alky eating up the solenoids if they arent made for it?
Looked at Carroll's Supercharging site. They have a pretty extensive amount of info and parts/kits for alky and water injection. Alot of the stuff is expensive, but their solenoid is $65. Thats alot better than $120, and it is for use with alky/water injection.

An interesting statement that they had at the top of one of their pages : "you can not hookup directly to manifold after throttle body without a solenoid because it will suck water directly".
I guess that tells the whole story right there. On my car the nozzle is after the TB, on your cars the nozzle is before the TB, so you wont have as bad a siphoning problem as me.
I wonder if Leeo uses a solenoid. You out there Leeo?
I've been using the Carrolls solenoid ever since I put my system together and its worked flawlessly.
Originally posted by 6SENSE

John, you dont think the relation between tank and nozzle placement could have something to do with the siphoning? I know its usually a good idea to have the tank below the level of the nozzle. In my case they may be at the same level. On the 86/87 cars isnt the nozzle a higher than the rad overflow tank when placed in the uppipe?

I don't know if this could be the problem but it might be. To be sure, why don't you rig up a temporary reservoir you can put lower than the nozzle and see if that changes anything or tank and pump temperarily lowered below nozzle.