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Alkycontrol Install Pixs 3/2010


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  • GN_miniovf.jpg
    36.7 KB · Views: 3,183
Can you post pictures of the PAC main controller mounted. thanks

This is from an older install. Doesnt have to go here, can also go behind car stereo, behind glove box, etc.


  • PAC mounting_2.JPG
    PAC mounting_2.JPG
    86 KB · Views: 3,151
Pictured below is how I ended up installing the LED additional holes in the vehicle and easy to see....I hate to say this, but it actually looks better in the car then this picture shows...


  • DSCN1134.jpg
    80.2 KB · Views: 3,347
According to PICO the slots are suppossedly different and use a different connector. I ordered 100 pieces see how it goes :)

I was under the dash over the weekend. The Battery Cavity the lock is on the bottom. The Ign Cavity is on the top. The IGN will plug into a bat cavity but it won't lock in place
Your connection to the GREEN MAP sensor wire is probably not correct. RAZOR will chime in soon, but that is a good place to start. Double check all connections.

Make sure the LED goes red when the boost needle climbs past 7 PSI. And make sure when you go into WOT, it then goes red then changes to green.

what would be the problem if this doesnt happen?

you didn't connect the green wire from the 3 bar map to the controller

if you did, then your missing 5volts on the gray wire
What is the best place to run the wires through the firewall. is it easiest to drill a new hole?
What is the best place to run the wires through the firewall. is it easiest to drill a new hole?

Rubber grommet drivers side top of firewall. Speedo cable goes through it.

Use a coat hanger and attach wire to hanger and wrap with electrical tape.. WD40 the grommet so it softens up.. push the wire through it.
I used that for my boost gage but i was thinking its kind of tight. also i'm confused about the map sensor. do i need to hook into the tps 5 volt wire or is that only for the digital dash. i screwed something up on the powerlogger wiring using the 5 volt tps power
Easy to answer this.

Get a digital voltmeter. Plug the map sensor in. Turn the ignition ON. measure the voltage on the green wire with the sensor plugged in.

If you get 1.6 volts DC on the green wire.. do nothing and just run the supplied green wire from MAP sensor green to PAC green.

If you get ZERO volts.. then unplug the sensor and check to see if you have 5 volts on gray and ground on black. If you dont have the 5volts on the gray wire.. then you need to jump 5v from the TPS gray to the MAP gray. Whether you do it under the hood or behind the dash it on your preference.

I cant make this any clearer. If the above is too tough, please take your car to someone who is better with electrical.

As to the grommet, take a screwdriver and punch right through the rubber. You can fit 20 wires through that plug. Just be patient and use a lot of lube.
okay i'll use that spot. i was thinking it was too tight. do i need to wire in the tps wire for the 5 volts? i am a little confused on that. i tapped into it for the powerlogger and now nothing works. i have the stock gn led boost gage. (also an aftermarket gage)
. do i need to wire in the tps wire for the 5 volts?

Only if your gray wire doesnt have 5v on the MAP plug..

Guess you didnt read what I just posted. Or dont own a multimeter :smile:
no i did read what you just posted but i am not understanding. i spliced into the green wire for the map. im in the process of feeding the wires into the drivers compartment. i am reading the instructions included with the kit i bought from you and it says on vehicles equipped with gnx digital dash need to use the tps 5 volt wire. i am assuming i dont need it. right?