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Alternate Alky lights mounting options.


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The New Kid
Dec 21, 2001
So I have a GNX gauge dash and don't want to chop it to install the power injection and low level lights.
Any suggestions on how to mount these lights elsewhere and how?
Use aftermarket warning lights/Led?
There are many different ways to do this
Here is a couple ideas (led lights) one on the steering column or both your decision.ive also seen ashtray mount under dash just below the radio and I've seen 12 volt micro buzzers so when it was spraying the buzzer went off and low alky same thing.
My .02. I wired the lights to the dash as directed. I wish I hadn't as the Low fuel light is constantly flashing if the tank is not 100% full. It triggers my OCD. I'm sure in the long run it will keep me topping off the tank but my next install i'm going to put a light in the gauge pod instead on the pillar.
both make good points and am tempted to just do that - keep it simple and add the small bulbs on the a-pillar gauge pod. Any idea if I can replace the Power Injection actual bulb with the same type of smaller bulb for low level?
I can't think of a reason why the Low level or the Power Injection couldn't be replaced with a small bulb. The power injection light you technically don't need at all as they provide a Pump light anyway that essentially does the same thing. My next install I'm leaving that out.
So I have a GNX gauge dash and don't want to chop it to install the power injection and low level lights.
Any suggestions on how to mount these lights elsewhere and how?
Use aftermarket warning lights/Led?
yes lose the light and add a fuel pressure gauge for the alky kit.
contact julio and see if he will put a tester together for you.i have a tester from him and look at pressure all the time