American grows, harvests, sells and buys opium!


Jan 19, 2009
YouTube - US Military Helping Afghan Farmers Grow Opium Poppies!

Taliban's main source of funding is opium, about 90% of the worlds opium (which makes many other DEADLY drugs) from mid east. we help grow, harvest, protect crops, buy and sell opium un-mother-phucking-believable. iran countra but public this time and no one does ceit about it. WOW!

but a joint's worth of weed will get your house raided and your prized dog shot for barking; or if you act funny during a raid your 7 year old daughter will be shot execution style in the head. it gets better, YOUR tax dollars pay for that you know! also your tax dollars are paying for drug dealing opium operations!

some drug war
you seem somehow surprised by this? i wonder who get's the profits from this, and what they are using the money for? probably local people that don't like us, and they use the money to blow up the invading Americans..
after over 30 years of pretty much being in a perpetual state of war, Opium is probably the only thing that Afghanistan's people can manufacture and export. i don't think they have much of a tourism industry to fall back on since the Taliban blew up anything of interest to anyone in the outside world for being 'unislamic', and any factories they might have had are now piles of rubble.
i guess the military and political 'minds' in DC have decided that the 'war on terror' is more important than the 'war on drugs'. but as long as they are running a war on 'something',then they feel good about themselves- even if they are running a war against their oen country.
not surprised at all, I did an iran contra report in middle school (teacher was not amused to say the least). Im just posting for those who live in a box.
Oh here we go again...:rolleyes: So I saw the clip looks like they are just standing back. It appears like a double edged sword for the troops. Burn and destroy their crops and the farmers turn against them and go to the taliban for help. Do nothing and people get thier pantys in a twist. They even said they let them grow it but go after the guys who traffic it.