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AN Fitting Help Please


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Senior Member
May 24, 2001
Right now I'm in the middle (perhaps muddle) of connecting the new fuel cell to the new Weldon pump using -10 line and fittings.

I've never worked with AN stuff before and I'd appreciate help from someone who has.

How tight do I tighten the fittings onto the braided line itself?
Do I use any sealant ANYWHERE, which includes the line fitting onto the cell fitting?

And one more anyone who knows the answers...can you reply as soon as you read this. At my age if I don't continue with the work I'll fall asleep here at the keyboard. :D

Use the teflon sealer only on pipe threads. When I get home tonight, I'll send you some instructions on assembling the hose ends.

Originally posted by MG8T7GN
Use the teflon sealer only on pipe threads. When I get home tonight, I'll send you some instructions on assembling the hose ends.


Thanks Mark...but by then I hope to have most of it finished. While sitting here I realized I could probably go to the Aeroquip website and did so....they gave me part of the info I needed...such as just what you said about pipe thread but also said to use a lubricant on the threads (non-pipe fitting) to prevent galling.

As for how tight....I think I'll just go tightened them until I go "UUUUggggggghhhhhh."

Thanks again for replying.
Russell has a good website too. They have some good instructions on assembling lines and fittings

At the most, tighten the hose end fitting until the two parts just touch. It'll take some effort and will be plenty tight. I tend to leave a small gap. Do not overtighten, and also mark or put a piece of tape on the hose so you're sure it doesn't squeeze out during tightening. BTW, those aluminum wrenches you see for this stuff are made in lengths "short enough" to discourage people from twisting these assemblies into pieces :)

Art Freeman
Originally posted by JoyOf6

At the most, tighten the hose end fitting until the two parts just touch. It'll take some effort and will be plenty tight. I tend to leave a small gap. Do not overtighten, and also mark or put a piece of tape on the hose so you're sure it doesn't squeeze out during tightening. BTW, those aluminum wrenches you see for this stuff are made in lengths "short enough" to discourage people from twisting these assemblies into pieces :)

Art Freeman

Thanks Art. I've got the cell and pump now mounted...and connected by hose. Steve sent me some instructions via email also so I'm going to take the hose off again and check what he and you just said. But I do know the pieces aren't 30 thou apart (Steve's instruction) and what you refer to as "small gap". Right now I've got a huge

So thanks again. See you and your car in BG?
Originally posted by bgn87
Russell has a good website too. They have some good instructions on assembling lines and fittings

Thanks for replying. I'll have a peek at their website. (Nice name, btw):)
Originally posted by ChrisCairns

But I do know the pieces aren't 30 thou apart (Steve's instruction) and what you refer to as "small gap". Right now I've got a huge

So thanks again. See you and your car in BG?

Yeah, that's my small gap ;)

Are you (with/sans car) going to BG? For some reason, I thought you weren't unless the Chamber of Commerce could guarantee 40 degree temps... :D j/k. I am going if I can satisfy myself that the little things nagging my car won't sabotage the week. You know... running just a tad off the pace with several things clouding the diagnosis. The Buick race in San Antonio this Sunday should help with the thumbs up/down call.

Originally posted by JoyOf6

Yeah, that's my small gap ;)

Are you (with/sans car) going to BG? For some reason, I thought you weren't unless the Chamber of Commerce could guarantee 40 degree temps... :D j/k. I am going if I can satisfy myself that the little things nagging my car won't sabotage the week. You know... running just a tad off the pace with several things clouding the diagnosis. The Buick race in San Antonio this Sunday should help with the thumbs up/down call.


I just went out and changed the "gap". I used a vice this time, and got the large gap down to a small gap. One is 75 thou, the other is 35 thou. Good enough for the non-pressure part of the system. But I larned from ya'll and this trial and error so when I start on the pressure side I'll do better.

Hope you get the hiccups worked out on your car would be nice to run there after last year's disappointment for you.

Once I dun the figgurin's on how much the gas to haul the car back there at 8 mpg was going to cost, plus having to stop every 100 to 125 miles to get gas, I rethunk it and will simply drive my favorite GN back there and spectate.
actually, Aeroquip says no more than .031" but I knew if I gave you any slack you would go even more! :) got to hold that hose hard against the fitting.