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An Old Lady in a Rav 4??????


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Apr 10, 2007
Why are some people so stupid:confused: I have the fam with me, which consists of the wife and two daughters and we are headed to the store. I'm in the far left lane, but need to be in the far right lane and three short lights in between. They are set up so you have to stop at all of them.

So light one turns green and next to me is a lady in a Rav 4:o She punches it:confused: So I get in front of her, easily. So light number two turn red, she moves over to the right. Now we are in the same position as light one, only now I'm in the center and she is in the right. Light turns green, of course again she punches it, and again the Buick passes her easily and I move in front of here to the third light. Only this time I might of let the tires squeel a little bit:) This prompts two of the three women in the car to comment about how they are not impressed:rolleyes: Daughter number two is on my side, saying faster Daddy, faster:cool:

So now, I'm in front she is behind me and we both take a right turn. I'm in no hurry, just needed to get over. The single lane opens up to a left turn and a straight/right turn. I'm going straight so stay put. I must have really pissed this lady off, cause she rides my ass, moves in the left turn lane, blows the stop sign and goes straight:eek: This puts us both in the parking lot of the store, where she turns down a lane and drives back out the other side:confused:

What can I say the black car goes first:biggrin:

Seems every dope around wants to race of which I either laff (out loud) or sometimes not:eek: Then when I get someone I think would be fun, they won't pull up to the line? I had a nice firebird, which sounded healthy behind me and the light turns red. A double lane so I move over, do you think he will pull up next to me? Nope.

Oh well, I just like driving this car
They don't want to race, they just want to be first. Noone knows anything about courtesy anymore. They just all want to be ahead of the next guy, no matter what. Then they'll slow down once the get in front of you. As long as they are in front of you.
They don't want to race, they just want to be first. Noone knows anything about courtesy anymore. They just all want to be ahead of the next guy, no matter what. Then they'll slow down once the get in front of you. As long as they are in front of you. are you right on this one Brian!! This sh*t happens all the time to me, no matter what i'm driving! People just have to be first. Even lil old ladies!!:eek:

No ones gonna say "Nice kill"?

Man you could drop a dual turbo big block chevy into a Rav 4 and I'd still be hard pressed to call it "a nice kill". More like a mercy killing.

Like when a dog goes rabid, you just have to put it down, there's nothing nice about it, it's just necessary.
I would say this classifies more into the category of statechetory rape. She was asking for it, eh Kobe?
Yeah, when putzes drive like this I used to get PO'd, but then I wound up being PO'd everytime I get behind the wheel. Now most of the time, I just smile, let them go, and picture them dying a horrible death because they were on the phone, eating a bagel, AND reading the paper while they drive, and drive right off a bridge. :biggrin:
Or, I just think they are going to hell, because they aren't a nice person, driving like that. It makes the ride alot more enjoyable.
No ones gonna say "Nice kill"?

That's too funny, all I wanted to do is get into the far right lane to make a turn, it was craft day at Home Depot:rolleyes: She was bound and determined to get there first. I really glad no one was hurt, she really blew that stop sign.

The world is full of stupid people, I can picture her bragging at bridge club of how she beat the black car
I work for toyota, and some of those rav's move. You'd be suprised by Highlander hybrid with the CVT transmission, They just keep pullin. But they still suck:biggrin: